This search will search only Maven’s Notebook articles and other news published on Maven’s Notebook.
It excludes the Daily Digest and announcements. To search the Daily Digest, go here.
- Abandoned boats (1)
- Abandoned mines (2)
- Abundance (1)
- Acoustic telemetry (1)
- ACWA (49)
- Adaptive management (26)
- A Delta Renewed (1)
- Administrative Hearings Office (8)
- AEM (2)
- Affordability (13)
- Ag Order 4.0 (3)
- Agricultural discharges (11)
- Agricultural water conservation/use (31)
- Agriculture (205)
- Agrivoltaics (2)
- Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Survey (5)
- Airborne Snow Observatory (2)
- Air pollution (1)
- Alfalfa (4)
- American River (8)
- Antelope Creek (2)
- argon-39 (1)
- ARkStorm (6)
- Army Corps of Engineers (21)
- Arnold Slough (1)
- Arrowhead (5)
- Arsenic (1)
- Article 21 water (2)
- Artificial intelligence/Machine learning (2)
- Artificial turf (1)
- Arundo (1)
- Atmospheric rivers (45)
- Ballast water (2)
- Basin boundaries (2)
- Basin prioritization (5)
- Battle Creek (5)
- Bay Area (51)
- Bay Delta Conservation Plan (196)
- Bay Delta Science Conference (69)
- Bay Delta Water Quality Control Plan (99)
- Beavers (8)
- Benthic macroinvertebrates (2)
- Best Management Practices (1)
- Biological assessment (2)
- Biological opinions (58)
- Birds (9)
- Black swan (1)
- Blue Triton (5)
- Book reviews (6)
- Bottled water (4)
- Brackish desalination (9)
- Bradmoor Island (1)
- Brown Bag Seminar (29)
- Bubble barrier (2)
- Buchanan Dam (1)
- Budget (3)
- Bulletin 120 (2)
- Bureau of Reclamation (209)
- Butte County (1)
- Butte Creek (2)
- Cache Creek (1)
- Cadiz Inc. (3)
- California Aqueduct (4)
- California Aqueduct subsidence (5)
- California Coastal Commission (7)
- California Coastal Commission (1)
- California Council on Science and Technology (5)
- California Current (1)
- California Environmental Flows Framework (4)
- California Forever (1)
- California Irrigation Institute (11)
- California Natural Resources Agency (6)
- California Public Utilities Commission (1)
- California Water 101 (12)
- California Water Action Plan (2)
- California Water Commission (149)
- California Water Data Consortium (2)
- California Water Fix (223)
- California Water Institute (1)
- California Water Law Symposium (17)
- California water news (1928)
- California Water Plan (37)
- California Water Policy Conference (13)
- California Water Policy Seminar Series (27)
- Cal Trout (1)
- Cannabis (7)
- Carbon sequestration (15)
- CASGEM (9)
- Central Coast (23)
- Central Coast Regional Water Board (1)
- Central Valley Flood Protection Board (6)
- Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (8)
- Central Valley Project (187)
- Central Valley Project Improvement Act (11)
- Central Valley Water Board (9)
- CEQA (7)
- Change in point of diversion (83)
- Chowchilla Subbasin (1)
- Clean Water Act (31)
- Clear Creek (3)
- Clear Lake (3)
- Climate change (204)
- Climate change adaptation (13)
- Cloud seeding (1)
- Coequal goals (1)
- Collaboration (22)
- Collaborative Adaptive Management Team (CAMT) (1)
- Collaborative Science and Adaptive Management Program (6)
- Colorado River (109)
- Colorado River Aqueduct (3)
- Colorado River Compact (2)
- Columbia Estuary Ecosystem Restoration Program (1)
- Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan (1)
- Conceptual models (1)
- Conjunctive use (2)
- Connectivity (3)
- Consistency Determination (28)
- Contaminants (39)
- Conveyance (12)
- Coordinated Operations Agreement (4)
- Cosumnes River (2)
- Cotton (1)
- Cover crops (5)
- Covered actions (14)
- Critical habitat (2)
- Critically Overdrafted Basins (3)
- Curtailments (127)
- Cutting the Green Tape Initiative (1)
- Cuyama Valley (1)
- CV-SALTS (27)
- Daguerre Point Dam (1)
- Dairies (1)
- Dam removal (19)
- Dam safety (3)
- Dan Walters (11)
- Decision making under deep uncertainty (6)
- Decker Island (1)
- Deep carbon capture (1)
- Deer Creek (7)
- Delta (418)
- Delta-Mendota Subbasin (2)
- Delta 101 (4)
- Delta Adapts (5)
- Delta Alternative Compliance Plan (5)
- Delta as a place (14)
- Delta Challenges (4)
- Delta Conservancy (11)
- Delta Conservation Framework (3)
- Delta conveyance (342)
- Delta conveyance amendment (14)
- Delta Conveyance Project (140)
- Delta Counties Coalition (7)
- Delta Drought Response Pilot Program (7)
- Delta ecosystem (25)
- Delta exports (2)
- Delta Independent Science Board (36)
- Delta inflows & outflows (75)
- Delta Landscapes Project (1)
- Delta Lead Scientist (41)
- Delta levee investment strategy (14)
- Delta levees (9)
- Delta Mendota Canal (1)
- Delta Narratives (4)
- Delta National Heritage Area (3)
- Delta Plan (107)
- Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee (16)
- Delta Protection Commission (21)
- Delta salinity (15)
- Delta Science Plan (21)
- Delta Science Program (26)
- Delta smelt (59)
- Delta smelt resiliency strategy (4)
- Delta smelt symposium (4)
- Delta Stewardship Council (298)
- Delta Watermaster (41)
- Delta water quality standards (9)
- Department of Conservation (2)
- Department of Fish and Wildlife (36)
- Department of Interior (2)
- Department of Pesticide Regulation (3)
- Department of Toxic Substances Control (1)
- Department of Water Resources (485)
- Desalination (40)
- Direct Potable Reuse (9)
- Disadvantaged Communities (DACs) (6)
- Division of Safety of Dams (2)
- Doheney Desalination Project (1)
- Domestic wells (16)
- Drinking water (91)
- Drought (455)
- Drought Contingency Plan (9)
- Drought impacts (3)
- Dust on snow (2)
- Dutch Slough (1)
- Earthquakes (8)
- East Bay Municipal Water District (1)
- Eastern San Joaquin Subbasin (1)
- Eastern Sierra (5)
- East Park Reservoir (1)
- Ecological forecasting (1)
- Economic analysis (36)
- Eco Restore (5)
- Ecosystem management (16)
- Ecosystem Restoration Program (1)
- Ecosystem services (3)
- Ecosystem water budget (4)
- Eddy covariance stations (1)
- eDNA (5)
- Eel RIver (3)
- El Nino/La Nina (20)
- Emergency Drought Barrier (21)
- Emergent groundwater (4)
- Endangered species (113)
- Endangered Species Act (8)
- Environmental data (7)
- Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) (1)
- Environmental documents (35)
- Environmental flows (32)
- Environmental Flows Workgroup (1)
- Environmental justice (19)
- Environmental review (1)
- Equity (13)
- Estuary News (15)
- Estuary Pearls (14)
- European green crab (2)
- Evaporative demand (1)
- Evapotranspiration (6)
- Exactions (1)
- Executive orders (12)
- extensometers (1)
- Extinction (3)
- Extreme weather (55)
- Fall Midwater Trawl (3)
- Fallowed land (1)
- Fall X2 (10)
- False River drought barrier (1)
- Feather River (1)
- Felicia Marcus (1)
- Fish and wildlife (301)
- Fish food (17)
- Fish friendly diversions (1)
- FIsh friendly farming (1)
- Fishing regulations (1)
- Fish passage (8)
- Fish Restoration Program Agreement (6)
- Fish salvage (1)
- Fish screens (2)
- Fish surveys (5)
- Fish tags (1)
- Flood management (44)
- Flood MAR (25)
- Floodplains (26)
- Folsom Dam (1)
- Folsom Reservoir (1)
- Food web (14)
- Forage crops (1)
- Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (18)
- Fracking (1)
- Franks Tract (5)
- Fresno RIver statutory adjudication (2)
- Friant Kern Canal (16)
- Friant Water Authority (6)
- Fully Appropriated Streams (5)
- Functional flows (15)
- Genetic diversity (4)
- Genome sequencing (1)
- Georgiana Slough (1)
- Glen Canyon Dam (2)
- Gold mining and exploration (1)
- Governance (6)
- Great Lakes Phragmites Collective (1)
- Greenhouse gas emissions (9)
- grondwater (1)
- Groundwater (443)
- Groundwater-surface water interaction (10)
- Groundwater accounting (1)
- Groundwater adjudication (7)
- Groundwater allocations (11)
- Groundwater banking (7)
- Groundwater contamination (9)
- Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs) (7)
- Groundwater levels (7)
- Groundwater management (18)
- Groundwater markets (3)
- Groundwater monitoring (6)
- Groundwater quality (16)
- Groundwater recharge (80)
- Groundwater storage (2)
- Groundwater Sustainability Plan development (10)
- Groundwater trading (4)
- GSA fee authorities (4)
- GSA Summit (4)
- GSP Assessments/Evaluations (30)
- Gualala River (1)
- Guest blogger (28)
- Habitat restoration (131)
- Harmful algal blooms (13)
- Harvest Water (3)
- Hatcheries (13)
- Hatchery Genetic Management Plan (1)
- Headwaters (1)
- Healthy Rivers And Landscapes (1)
- Healthy soil (3)
- Hemphill Dam removal (1)
- Hetch Hetchy (2)
- Hexavalent chromium (7)
- Hitch (1)
- Hoopa Valley Tribe (8)
- Horizontal levees (1)
- Human right to water (9)
- Huntington Beach Desalination Plant (3)
- Hurricanes (3)
- Hydrology (122)
- Hydropower (13)
- Imperial Irrigation District (6)
- Imperial Valley (18)
- Imported water (13)
- Incidental Take Permit (ITP) (8)
- Indian Wells Valley Basin (4)
- Infrastructure (12)
- Infrastructure funding (18)
- Instream flows (14)
- Integrated Regional Water Management (12)
- Interagency Ecological Program (8)
- Interconnected surface water (14)
- Invasive aquatic vegetation (7)
- Invasive species (28)
- Investor-owned utilities (1)
- Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (9)
- Just Transitions (1)
- Karuk Tribe (2)
- Kaweah Subbasin (6)
- Kern County (21)
- Kern County Water Summit (5)
- Kern Fan Groundwater Storage Project (1)
- Kern River (7)
- Kings County (1)
- Kings River (4)
- Kings Subbasin (1)
- Klamath Dams removal (29)
- Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (1)
- Klamath River (47)
- LAFCO (5)
- Laguna de Santa Rosa (1)
- Lake Mendocino (1)
- Lake Oroville (2)
- Lake Tahoe (7)
- Land repurposing (9)
- Landscape ecology (3)
- Land Subsidence (Delta) (1)
- Land subsidence (groundwater) (32)
- Land use (7)
- Las Posas Valley Basin (1)
- Lawsuits and legal rulings (198)
- Legal panel discussions (32)
- Legislative Analyst's Office (2)
- Legislative hearings (46)
- Levees (16)
- Lithium extraction (1)
- Lithium Valley (1)
- Living shorelines (1)
- Longfin smelt (10)
- Lookout Slough (10)
- Los Angeles Aqueduct (2)
- Los Vaqueros Reservoir (4)
- Lower San Joaquin (1)
- Lower San Joaquin River (12)
- Madera subbasin (2)
- Making conservation a CA way of life (21)
- Managed aquifer recharge (2)
- Managed retreat (1)
- Marine debris (1)
- Matilija Dam removal (2)
- McCloud River (1)
- Meadow restoration (1)
- Megadrought (1)
- Merced River (2)
- Merced River Flood MAR Study (4)
- Merced Subbasin (1)
- Mercury (21)
- Metropolitan Water District (139)
- Microplastics (8)
- Mill Creek (7)
- Modeling and forecasting (71)
- Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO) (1)
- Mojave Desert (3)
- Mokelumne River (1)
- Monitoring (29)
- Mono Lake (3)
- Monterey County (1)
- Montezuma Wetlands (2)
- Mountain Counties (15)
- Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (15)
- Multi-benefit projects (3)
- Multibenefit Land Repurposing Program (5)
- Napa/Sonoma (20)
- NASA (2)
- National Alliance for Water Innovation (1)
- National Marine Fisheries Service (1)
- National Water Research Institute (9)
- Nature-based solutions (7)
- New Books (7)
- New Melones Reservoir (1)
- New Zealand Mud Snails (1)
- Nitrates (22)
- Nitrogen management (8)
- NOAA Fisheries (20)
- North Coast (68)
- North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (1)
- Northern California (9)
- Novel ecosystems (1)
- Nutria (3)
- Nutrients (5)
- Ocean acidification (2)
- Ocean conditions (1)
- Ocean Plan (2)
- Ocean water quality (3)
- Office of the Governor (13)
- Oil and gas (11)
- Old and Middle River Flows (OMR) (2)
- On-site water treatment (2)
- Open data (4)
- Open ET (13)
- Oroville Dam Spillway (28)
- Otoliths (2)
- Outreach and engagement (3)
- Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project (1)
- Pacific Flyway (12)
- Pajaro Valley (1)
- Paleo climate (1)
- Paradise Cut (1)
- Paso Robles (1)
- Permitting (19)
- Pesticides (8)
- PFAS (15)
- Phragmites (2)
- Planning and Conservation League Symposium (7)
- Planning and management (54)
- Policy - state and federal (528)
- Potter Valley Project (4)
- Prado Dam (2)
- Precipitation enhancement (1)
- Predation (10)
- Primary production (7)
- Produced water (1)
- Profiles (12)
- Public Policy Institute of California (30)
- Public trust (3)
- Pumped hydropower (2)
- Putah Creek (1)
- Quagga mussels (1)
- Rain on snow (2)
- Reasonable Use (8)
- Recharge net metering (4)
- Reconciliation ecology (16)
- Recreation (9)
- Recycled water (32)
- Reduced reliance on the Delta (3)
- Regulations (113)
- Regulatory fees (1)
- Remote sensing (12)
- Reorienting to Recovery Project (1)
- Reservoir reoperation (5)
- Resilient landscapes (3)
- Resource Management Strategy (17)
- Restore the Delta (14)
- Reverse osmosis (1)
- Rice (18)
- Ridgecrest (1)
- Riparian restoration (1)
- River discharge (1)
- Russian River (22)
- Sacramento-San Joaquin Drainage District (1)
- Sacramento Delta update (23)
- Sacramento perch (1)
- Sacramento River (29)
- Sacramento Splittail (1)
- Sacramento Valley (117)
- Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund (SAFER) (4)
- Safe harbor agreements (1)
- Safer Consumer Products program (1)
- Salinas River (1)
- Salinas Valley (4)
- Salinity (16)
- Salmon (189)
- Salmon Resiliency Strategy (2)
- Salton Sea (12)
- Salton Sea Management Program (4)
- San Clemente Dam removal project (1)
- San Diego (28)
- San Diego County Water Authority (32)
- San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science Journal (3)
- San Francisco Estuary Blueprint (1)
- San Francisco Estuary Institute (1)
- San Francisco Estuary Partnership (2)
- San Gabriel Valley Water Forum (6)
- San Joaquin River (4)
- San Joaquin River flow objectives (30)
- San Joaquin River Restoration Program (36)
- San Joaquin Valley (189)
- San Joaquin Valley Blueprint (4)
- San Joaquin Valley Partnership (1)
- Santa Ana River (1)
- Santa Clara Valley Water District (13)
- Santa Maria River (1)
- SB-88 Implementation (9)
- SB 19 Stream Gaging Plan (1)
- Science-policy interface (1)
- Science Action Agenda (4)
- Science synthesis (1)
- Scott River (19)
- Sea level rise (21)
- Seawater intrusion (3)
- Section 401 (20)
- Sediment (9)
- Selenium (3)
- Senate Select Committee on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (4)
- Setback levees (1)
- SGMA Implementation (283)
- SGMA State Board intervention (62)
- Shasta Dam (12)
- Shasta Dam Raise Project (7)
- Shasta Lake Water Resources Investigation (1)
- Shasta River (14)
- Shasta temperature management (20)
- Sisk Dam Raise Project (4)
- Siskiyou County (3)
- Sites Reservoir (51)
- Sliderbox (6)
- Snow drought (6)
- Snowpack (19)
- Snow survey (59)
- Social science (7)
- Solar and water (8)
- Solar canals (2)
- South Bay Salt Pond Restoration (4)
- Southern California (85)
- Southern Delta salinity objectives (3)
- State budget (6)
- Staten Island (1)
- State of Bay Delta Science (3)
- State of Bay Delta Science 2016 (1)
- State of the Estuary conference (28)
- State of the Estuary report (1)
- State Water Contractors (5)
- State Water Project (236)
- State Water Project contract amendment (3)
- State Water Project contract extension (5)
- State Water Project Delivery Capability Report (3)
- State Water Resources Control Board (715)
- Steelhead (18)
- Stockton (1)
- Stormwater (36)
- Strategic plan (1)
- Stream gauges (2)
- Stream management (1)
- Structured decision-making (9)
- Sturgeon (12)
- Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (2)
- Suisun Marsh (7)
- Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates (1)
- Surface Atmosphere Integrated Field Laboratory (SAIL) (3)
- Surface water depletion (7)
- Sustainability (1)
- Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (3)
- Sustainable management criteria (2)
- Temperance Flat (6)
- Temperature (6)
- Temporary Urgency Change Petitions (43)
- Term 91 (18)
- Thiamine (1)
- Tidal marsh restoration (26)
- Tires (12)
- Tomatoes (1)
- Top 20 water books (1)
- Toxic algae (4)
- Trap and haul (1)
- Tree rings (1)
- Tribal water issues (48)
- Trinity River (11)
- Trump and water (40)
- Tulare Basin (38)
- Tulare Lake (3)
- Tule subbasin (18)
- Tuolumne River (3)
- Tuolumne River Voluntary Agreement (3)
- Tuscan Water District (1)
- Twitchell Dam (2)
- Twitchell Reservoir (1)
- UC Drought Summit (2)
- Unimpaired flows (12)
- Upper watershed management (24)
- Urban water conservation/use (136)
- Urban Water Institute (2)
- Urban water management plan (2)
- US Environmental Protection Agency (19)
- US Fish and Wildlife Service (17)
- USGS (15)
- Ventura County (1)
- Vernal pools (1)
- Voluntary agreements (54)
- Wastewater discharges (7)
- Water-energy nexus (9)
- Water allocations (107)
- Water availability (2)
- Water banking (1)
- Water bond (48)
- water books (1)
- Water budgets (1)
- Water conditions (50)
- Water cycle (1)
- Water data (13)
- Water Data Summit (1)
- Water futures (1)
- Water history (9)
- Water hyacinth (1)
- Water infrastructure (14)
- Water management (92)
- Water markets (14)
- Water pricing (1)
- Water project operations (136)
- Water quality (122)
- Water rates (4)
- Water resilience (2)
- Water resilience portfolio (21)
- Water right enforcement (8)
- Water right hearing (66)
- Water rights (113)
- Water rights permitting (17)
- Watershed management (16)
- Waters of the state (2)
- Waters of the US (16)
- Water storage (110)
- Water Storage Investment Program (57)
- Water supply (32)
- Water supply augmentation (1)
- Water supply reliability (26)
- Water Supply Strategy (6)
- Water theft (1)
- Water trading (6)
- Water transfers (56)
- Water use efficiency (4)
- Water wars (14)
- Water year types (1)
- Weather and climate (36)
- Well permitting (2)
- Well standards (1)
- Western Groundwater Congress (16)
- Westlands Water District (12)
- Westside Subbasin (1)
- Wetlands (3)
- Wetlands regulations (11)
- Wicked water problems (4)
- Wildfires (1)
- Wildfires and watersheds (55)
- Wildlife refuge (3)
- Williamson Act (2)
- Willow Springs Water Bank (1)
- Winnemem Wintu (5)
- X2 (4)
- Zebra mussels (1)
- Zooplankton (4)
- 6PPD (7)