AG ALERT: Dairies decry draft waste discharge rules Ag Alert News January 29, 2025 180By Christine Souza To reduce nitrates and ensure that people have access to safe drinking water, the state has proposed...
CV-SALTS: Nitrate and Salt Control Programs end 2024 with significant progress CV Salinity Coalition News December 4, 2024 228From the Central Valley Salinity Alternatives for Long-Term Sustainability (CV-SALTS) program As 2024 ends, the CV-SALTS program continues to make...
AG ALERT: Water order takes shape for North Coast vineyards Ag Alert News August 2, 2023 243By Christine Souza, California Farm Bureau Federation Winegrape growers in Mendocino and Sonoma counties say a proposed water-quality regulation establishes...
STATE WATER BOARD: Update on the Central Valley Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program Maven Notebook News and Features October 6, 2022 421At the September 20 meeting of the State Water Board, Central Valley Regional Board staff provided the State Water Board...
STATE WATER BOARD: Update on the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program Maven Notebook News and Features November 3, 2021 406Within the Central Valley, over seven million acres is in irrigated agriculture, and depending on the conditions, water discharged from...
AG ALERT: Farm groups seek review of order on fertilizer use Ag Alert News May 26, 2021By Kevin Hecteman, Ag Alert Saying new regional regulations will have a profound impact on food production, farm organizations have...
AG ALERT: Water-quality rule will affect Central Coast farms Ag Alert News April 21, 2021By the California Farm Bureau Federation: Predicting that it will have a profound impact on Central Coast agriculture, farm organizations...
AG ALERT: Board discusses potential winery wastewater fees Ag Alert News March 24, 2021By Christina Souza, Ag Alert As the State Water Resources Control Board moves forward with new regulations on wastewater discharge...
AG ALERT: Central Coast water regulation raises concerns Ag Alert News February 3, 2021By Christine Souza, Ag Alert Farm groups say a proposed regulatory permit known as the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program for...
AG ALERT: State water board imposes new rules on most wineries Ag Alert News January 27, 2021By Christina Souza, Ag Alert Despite pleas from winery owners and their representatives—one of whom described the wine sector as...
WATER BOARDS: Update on the Central Valley Water Board’s Irrigated Lands Program Maven Notebook News and Features October 1, 2020 394Much progress made on implementation of Order WQ-2018-0002 Runoff and other discharges from agricultural lands affect water quality by transporting...
WATER ASSOC. OF KERN COUNTY: The nuts and bolts of the CV-SALTS program Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features January 29, 2020 675Presentation at Kern County event discusses the implementation of the newly-adopted salt and nitrate management plan for the Central Valley...
This just in … Interest groups release report, say retiring toxic farmland in Western San Joaquin Valley would save water, environment and taxpayer money Conservation organizations & coalitions Press Release/Other July 14, 2015 626From C-WIN, Restore the Delta, and Food & Water Watch: A new report by EcoNorthwest, an independent economic analysis firm,...