What we publish
Maven’s Notebook is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news outlet focused on coverage of California water news. The platform features a diverse range of content, including book reviews, podcasts, new book announcements, and coverage of state agency meetings, workshops, conferences, and seminars related to water issues. With a dedicated focus on California’s water landscape, Maven’s Notebook offers valuable contributions to the understanding and awareness of water-related issues within the state.
Our ethics
Maven’s Notebook is committed to reporting that is truthful, transparent and respectful; the facts will be accurate, complete and fairly presented. If we make a mistake in our reporting, we will work quickly to address the error, correcting it within the story and noting in the story that an error was made and corrected. We will also make needed corrections in our social media. If a reader discovers an error on one of our news sites, they are encouraged to email maven@mavensnotebook.com.
Maven’s Notebook adheres to the ethics guidelines of the Society of Professional Journalists.
Aggregated content
The Daily Digest and Weekly Digest (Digests) present aggregated California water news curated from around the internet to include news articles, editorials, commentaries, press releases, legislator statements, law firm legal alerts, public notices and announcements.
The Digests are intended to present the wide range of views with the goal of fostering understanding of various positions and constructive discussion toward resolution of issues. The views represented in the Digests represent that of the writer and source and should not be attributed to Maven’s Notebook.
Maven’s Notebook does not include stories about local water board races, calls to action, fundraising for other organizations, topics not relevant to California water, or content that is overly harsh or combative. While we do not fact-check the articles included in the Digests, those articles with obvious factual errors are excluded.
Maven’s Notebook does not post sponsored content, advertorials, or product promotions. Maven’s Notebook does not backlinks to unrelated sites so please do not bother to ask.