NOW AVAILABLE: The State of Bay Delta Science 2022: primary production, invasive aquatic vegetation, remote sensing, harmful algal blooms, carbon sequestration, and more … Maven Delta scienceScience February 9, 2023 51The State of Bay-Delta Science (SBDS) is a collection of papers that represents the state of scientific knowledge on relevant...
DELTA LEAD SCIENTIST: Wetlands and food production, longfin smelt proposed listing, and the activities of the Delta Science Program Maven Delta science November 9, 2022 115At the October meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Lead Scientist Dr. Laurel Larsen highlighted Council-funded research that studied whether...
ESTUARY PEARLS: Beavers, climate impacts, harmful algal blooms, juvenile salmon, phytoplankton production, and more … Estuary News Group Delta scienceScience September 2, 2022 85California will spend big bucks on beavers to try to boost their numbers and reap some of the benefits—including slowing...
FEATURE: Wetland Responses to Restoration and Management Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceScience May 5, 2022 459Dr. John Durand is a research scientist at UC Davis, where he studies estuarine food webs and fishes. He has...
BAY-DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Loss, and Potential Recovery of Primary Production from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Maven Best of the NotebookDelta science July 29, 2021 305Landscape transformation in the Delta has far-reaching implications, including the loss of primary production that forms the basis for the...
DELTA LEAD SCIENTIST REPORT: Primary production in the Delta Maven Delta science June 29, 2021 177At the June meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Lead Scientist Dr. Laurel Larsen spotlighted recent research on the...
DELTA ISB: What we know and don’t know about the Delta food web Maven Best of the NotebookDelta science January 14, 2021 409The Delta Reform Act of 2009 established the Delta Independent Science Board (or Delta ISB), whose ten members are appointed...