The State of Bay-Delta Science (SBDS) is a collection of papers that represents the state of scientific knowledge on relevant topics to the Delta. The articles emphasize the progress made on key research questions and identifies remaining knowledge gaps.
The first State of Bay Delta Science was completed in 2008, and provided a system-wide baseline for the state of scientific knowledge of the system. The State of Bay Delta Science 2016 included 15 peer-reviewed papers that covered contaminants in the Delta, levee stability, Delta food webs, recent discoveries about salmon migration, and other issues.
The topics for the 2022 edition were chosen by the State of Bay Delta Science editorial board, and include primary production, invasive aquatic vegetation, remote sensing, harmful algal blooms, and carbon sequestration. Future issues are expected to be released every two years.
The 2022 State of Bay Delta Science articles:
Ecosystem Services and Disservices of Bay-Delta Primary Producers: How Plants and Algae Affect Ecosystems and Respond to Management of the Estuary and Its Watershed
Laurel G. Larsen, Samuel M. Bashevkin, Mairgareth A. Christman, J. Louise Conrad,
Clifford N. Dahm, Janet Thompson
Landscape Transformation and Variation in Invasive Species Abundance Drive Change
in Primary Production of Aquatic Vegetation in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta
Katharyn E. Boyer, Samuel M. Safran, Shruti Khanna, Melissa V. Patten
Ecology and Ecosystem Impacts of Submerged and Floating Aquatic Vegetation
in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta
Mairgareth A. Christman, Shruti Khanna, Judith Z. Drexler, Matthew J. Young
Invasive Aquatic Vegetation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Marsh:
The History and Science of Control Efforts and Recommendations for the Path Forward
J. Louise Conrad, Madison Thomas, Karen Jetter, John Madsen, Paul Pratt, Patrick Moran,
John Takekawa, Gina Skurka Darin, Lydia Kenison
Remote Sensing of Primary Producers in the Bay–Delta
Erin Hestir, Iryna Dronova
Status, Trends, and Drivers of Harmful Algal Blooms Along the Freshwater-to-Marine Gradient in the San Francisco Bay–Delta System
Raphael M. Kudela, Meredith D. A. Howard, Stephen Monismith, Hans W. Paerl
Carbon Sequestration Subsidence Reversal in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Bay: Management Opportunities for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation
Lisamarie Windham–Myers, Patty Oikawa, Steve Deverel,
Dylan Chapple, Judith Z. Drexler, Dylan Stern