C-WIN: On the Brink: Repeat of Massive Sturgeon Die-Offs Likely CA Water Impact Network (C-WIN) Press Release/Other July 18, 2024 178Warm Water in Delta Setting Stage for Another Catastrophe, Organization Warns Press release from the California Water Impact Network Huge...
FEATURE: A bigger, older fish gasping for more water: White sturgeon slipping away Alastair Bland Delta scienceScience July 11, 2024 492By Alastair Bland Another fish native to the San Francisco Bay estuary may be joining the queue filing toward extinction....
C-WIN: Fisheries expert: Fish & Game Commission’s move to list white sturgeon is a red herring CA Water Impact Network (C-WIN) Press Release/Other June 27, 2024 195Simultaneous Angling Closure Fails to Acknowledge the Real Reason for the Decline: Water Diversions From the California Water Impact Network...
CAL MATTERS: This giant freshwater fish — North America’s largest — gains California protection Cal Matters News June 20, 2024 458Die-offs from algae blooms in San Francisco and Delta water diversions have left a giant, shark-like, prehistoric creature at risk....
PRESS RELEASE: Environmental, fishing, and community organizations petition California and feds to protect SF Bay white sturgeon under endangered species laws Maven Press Release/Other November 30, 2023 169North America’s largest and oldest fish are declining fast, as more threats loom. Press release from the SF Baykeeper: Today,...
Army Corps fishes for data to help save Green Sturgeon US Army Corps of Engineers Agency News October 31, 2023 88By Ken Wright, Army Corps Sacramento District As cool Autumn air flows along the winding Sacramento River, thousands of sleek...
C-WIN: Even With Full Reservoirs, SF Bay Sturgeon Are Dying Again. Why? CA Water Impact Network (C-WIN) Press Release/Other August 10, 2023 259San Francisco Bay Catastrophes Are Due to Super Moons and Water Policy, Says Fisheries Expert Press release from the California...
CDFW NEWS: Improved passage lets threatened sturgeon, salmon and other species return to spawn in Sacramento River Department of Fish and Wildlife Delta scienceNewsScience June 7, 2023 34Dozens of adult sturgeon and hundreds of other large fish including threatened Chinook salmon have moved safely from receding floodwaters...
NOTEBOOK FEATURE: Sturgeon Arose During the Jurassic—Can They Survive the Anthropocene? Robin Meadows Delta scienceNotebook News and FeaturesScience May 31, 2023 411Written by Robin Meadows Sturgeon have been around far longer than humans—a jaw-dropping 200 million years to our comparatively short...
USFWS: Tag and follow: Tracking sturgeon in the San Joaquin River US Fish and Wildlife Service Delta science July 8, 2022 41Written by Brandon Honig When Austin Demarest and his team started looking for white sturgeon to tag in the San...
SCIENCE FEATURE: Tracking Sturgeon in the San Francisco Estuary Nate Seltenrich Delta science August 4, 2021 174By Nate Seltenrich White sturgeon may not typically be considered “charismatic megafauna,” but Veronica Larwood thinks they deserve the recognition....
UC SANTA CRUZ: Shasta Dam releases can be managed to benefit both salmon and sturgeon, study finds UC Santa Cruz News August 20, 2019 4Optimal scenario for releasing water into the Sacramento River can meet the needs of endangered winter-run chinook salmon, threatened green...