QUESTION: Delta Stewardship Council endorses Delta Plan amendment on conveyance, storage, and operations, but what does that mean? Maven Notebook News and Features July 26, 2017 320What is the effect of the amendment on the California Water Fix project? Randy Fiorini and Osha Meserve weigh in...
DELTA STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL: Panel examines the effects of the proposed conveyance amendment Maven Notebook News and Features June 8, 2017 288Water officials and Delta advocates weigh in on the impacts of the proposed Delta Plan amendment to address conveyance, storage,...
DELTA STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL: Examining the science supporting the proposed Delta conveyance amendment Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features June 7, 2017 273Science panel weighs in on the proposed Delta Plan amendment addressing conveyance, storage, and operations At the May meeting of...
DELTA STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL: Changes made to Conveyance, Storage, and Operations amendment, but Delta advocates still not satisfied Maven Notebook News and Features May 11, 2017 356It was a standing-room only crowd that packed two rooms at the April meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, as...
METROPOLITAN’S SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE BAY-DELTA: Preparing to make decision on California Water Fix; pending amendments to the Delta Stewardship Council’s Delta Plan Maven Notebook News and Features April 4, 2017 554ACWA’s newly adopted policy on Delta flows also briefly presented At the March meeting of Metropolitan’s Special Committee on the...
Tunnel opponents weigh in on Delta Stewardship Council’s proposed Delta Plan amendment on conveyance Maven Notebook News and Features March 28, 2017 606Council meeting in Brentwood draws full house It was standing room only for the Delta Stewardship Council’s March meeting, held...
Delta Stewardship Council considers a Delta Plan amendment on conveyance, storage, and operations Maven Notebook News and Features March 21, 2017 476The developing Delta Plan amendment to be subject of CEQA scoping meeting on Friday, March 24 Conveyance was the issue...
Delta Stewardship Council addresses Delta conveyance and water storage operations Maven Notebook News and Features April 13, 2016 287Council votes to start work on potential Delta Plan amendment, which would include additional regulatory policies and/or recommendations to address...
Delta Stewardship Council discusses flows and fishes in the Delta, adopts Delta conveyance principles, and addresses single year transfers Maven Notebook News and Features December 9, 2015 292At the November meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, a panel of scientists discussed the Delta Independent Science Board’s recent...
Delta Stewardship Council discusses draft principles for Delta conveyance, storage, and water management operations Maven Notebook News and Features November 10, 2015 247The principles will be considered for adoption at the November Council meeting The Delta Reform Act created the Delta Stewardship...
Discussion continues at the Delta Stewardship Council on Delta conveyance, storage, and water operations principles Maven Notebook News and Features September 9, 2015 395Lester Snow, Buzz Thompson, Tom Zuckerman, and Robert Shibatani give their thoughts on the draft principles At the August meeting...
Delta Stewardship Council looks at conveyance, storage, and water project operations, part 2: Environmental and Water Supplier Perspectives Maven Notebook News and Features August 19, 2015 235PPIC’s Dr. Jeff Mount, The Bay Institute’s Gary Bobker, and water resources consultant Maurice Hall give environmental perspectives; ACWA’s Tim...
Delta Stewardship Council looks at conveyance, storage, and water project operations, part 1: Policy Perspectives Maven Notebook News and Features August 18, 2015 400Public policy professor Dr. John Kirlin, scientist Dr. Sam Luoma, and Deputy Secretary of Water Policy Karla Nemeth advise the...
Delta Stewardship Council prepares for a new role: Considering Delta conveyance Maven Notebook News and Features June 30, 2015 530Considering Delta conveyance and ecosystem restoration without the Bay Delta Conservation Plan It was the 2009 Delta Reform Act that...