HOOPA TRIBE: Pressure grows on Biden administration to set aside illegal Trump-era water contract with Westlands Water District Hoopa Valley Tribe Press Release/Other February 7, 2024 252Sierra Club and Center for Biological Diversity cite California Supreme Court, federal law, Tribal rights, and Biden policy in call...
PRESS RELEASE: California Supreme Court denies Westlands’ appeal Hoopa Valley Tribe Press Release/Other December 1, 2023 268From the Hoopa Valley Tribe: With four words, the California Supreme Court thwarted agribusiness giant Westlands Water District’s years-long scheme...
PRESS RELEASE: Ignoring veto threat, House passes spending bill that terminate the Central Valley Project Improvement Act Hoopa Valley Tribe Press Release/Other October 30, 2023 1119From the Hoopa Valley Tribe: Within hours of taking up the gavel, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Michael Johnson,...
HOOPA TRIBE PRESS RELEASE: Westlands asks California Supreme Court to overturn environmental restoration obligations, further decimating Trinity River fishery Hoopa Valley Tribe Press Release/Other October 16, 2023 160Press release from the Hoopa Valley Tribe: In its latest effort to evade payment of at least $100 million in...
PRESS RELEASE: State court blocks Trump federal contract with Westlands Water District for million acre-feet of Trinity River water Hoopa Valley Tribe Press Release/Other August 12, 2023 288Undisclosed finances and vague federal contract left court in the dark. Door now wide open for Biden administration to revise...
THIS JUST IN … Federal Court Denies Government Request to Delay Hearing on Plan to Break 22 Year-Old Trinity River Fishery Restoration Agreement Hoopa Valley Tribe Press Release/Other December 27, 2022 19Slams Department of Justice for “Hiding the Ball” on Interior Department’s Attempt to Terminate Hoopa Valley Tribe’s Sovereignty and Property...
THIS JUST IN … Bureau of Reclamation plans to set aside a twenty-two year-old agreement on Trinity River; Hoopa Valley Tribe files for injunction Bureau of Reclamation News Press Release/Other December 17, 2022 14Press release from the Hoopa Valley Tribe: [Friday], the Hoopa Valley Tribe asked a California federal court for an injunction...
COURTHOUSE NEWS: Feds Defend Permanent Water Contracts to Benefit Agriculture Courthouse News Service News December 10, 2020Defending the decision to give farm irrigation districts permanent access to low-cost, federally pumped water in California, a Justice Department...