PRESS RELEASE: Scientific Report: Yearly Greenhouse Gas Pollution From Proposed Sites Dam and Reservoir Project Would Equal 80,000 Gas-Powered Cars Friends of the RIver Press Release/Other August 24, 2023 244New Patagonia & Friends of the River Study Estimates the Proposed Dam’s Annual Emissions Press release from Friends of the...
CAL MATTERS: Southern California’s natural gas plants to stay open through 2026 Cal Matters News August 15, 2023 75by Rachel Becker, CalMatters Stay up-to-date with free briefings on topics that matter to all Californians. Subscribe to CalMatters today...
COURTHOUSE NEWS: California ignoring carbon sink benefits of local habitats Courthouse News Service News July 24, 2023 161By Michael Gennaro, Courthouse News Service California’s native habitats can be used as valuable carbon sinks to help combat the...
STANFORD NEWS: Droughts in Western states drive up emissions and threaten human health Stanford University News July 18, 2023 110Switching from hydropower to fossil fuels during droughts has led to higher carbon emissions and cost 11 Western states tens...
ESTUARY NEWS: Sniffing the Delta for Greenhouse Gases Estuary News Group Delta science June 10, 2022 3by Janet Byron, Estuary News Group Dutch Slough in Oakley, on the southern edge of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, is...
DELTA LEAD SCIENTIST: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Budgets Maven Delta science March 1, 2022 148At the February meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Lead Scientist Dr. Laurel Larsen continued profiling the work of...
CA WATER COMMISSION: The Climate Registry: Water-Energy Nexus; Dam safety fee regulations; 2018 State Water Project Review Maven Notebook News and Features March 5, 2019 276At the February meeting of the California Water Commission, the Commissioners heard a presentation on the Climate Registry, approved new...
STATE WATER PROJECT UPDATE: Oroville spillways construction overview, subsidence along the California Aqueduct; DWR’s GHG reduction plan Maven Notebook News and Features November 21, 2017 604The nine-member California Water Commission has been given a number of responsibilities as dictated by the California Water Code; one...
SCIENCE JOURNAL: Winter-run Chinook salmon, GHG reductions and economics in the Delta, and landscape-scale restoration highlighted in latest issue of San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science Maven Delta science October 2, 2017 152The latest issue of the San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science is now available online. Research highlighted in this month’s...