DR. JEFFREY MOUNT: California Drought: What will it take to protect species? Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features March 15, 2023 428The key is to treat the environment like a priority, not a constraint, says Dr. Jeffrey Mount Freshwater-dependent species in...
TED GRANTHAM: The evolution of environmental flows in California Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features April 15, 2020 1092Ted Grantham is a Cooperative Extension Specialist at UC Berkeley and the CalTrout Ecosystem Fellow with the Public Policy Institute...
ECOSYSTEM-BASED MANAGEMENT: A new paradigm for managing California’s freshwater ecosystems Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features March 25, 2020 743Californians rely on the state’s myriad of rivers and streams for things such as water supply, hydropower, recreation, fisheries, biodiversity,...
DR. JEFF MOUNT: Ecosystem Water Budgets: A Novel Approach to Managing Water for the Environment Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and Features January 9, 2019 1263Dr. Jeff Mount has a long history of involvement with science issues in the Delta. As a professor at UC...