A night view of Merced County, shows a section of the B.F. Sisk Dam and some of the San Luis Reservoir, about 12 miles west of the city of Los Banos. On this date, April 11, 2024, the reservoir storage was 1,503,667 AF, or 74% percent of total capacity. Photo by Sara Nevis / DWR

THIS JUST IN … Reclamation increases CVP allocations for South of Delta ag to 40%; Westlands & others respond **UPDATED**

From the Bureau of Reclamation:

Today, the Bureau of Reclamation announced another increase in the Central Valley Project 2024 water supply allocation for south-of-Delta contractors and those in the Friant Division. While all north-of-Delta CVP contractors are currently at 100% of their supplies, south-of-Delta agricultural contractors are today being increased from 35% to 40%. Last week, on April 18, the Friant Division Class 1 allocation was increased from 95% to 100% and the Class 2 allocation increased from 0% to 5%.

All other CVP contract allocations remain the same per the March 22 water supply update. Initial CVP contract allocations were announced on Feb. 21.

“Hydrologic conditions have improved enough that we are able to provide this gradual increase,” said California-Great Basin Regional Director Karl Stock. “We realize that our contractors were hoping to see a greater amount of water, and we understand how critical irrigation is to California agriculture and the surrounding communities. However, continued uncertainty in long-term hydrology and regulatory constraints necessitate Reclamation’s approach with available water supplies.”

As the water year progresses, changes in hydrology, actions that impact operations, and opportunities to deliver additional water will influence future allocations. Water supply updates and past year’s allocations are posted on Reclamation California-Great Basin Region’s website.

Westlands Water District issues statement …

Today, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) announced an update to water allocations for Central Valley Project (CVP) water users. The revised allocation for South of Delta agricultural contractors, including Westlands Water District (District), was updated with an increase of 5 percent from 35 to 40 percent of the total water contract –another incredibly disappointingly low allocation for District water users.

“With the state’s reservoirs and snowpack at above-average levels and much of the state out of drought conditions, this meager increase in allocation continues to present unnecessary and unjustified hardships for the hard-working people of our District,” said Allison Febbo, General Manager, Westlands Water District. “Water from the Central Valley Project is the lifeblood of our farms and communities that rely on the crops they grow. If we can’t expect transparency in the process and a robust water allocation reflective of the hydrology during years when our reservoirs are full, then what can we expect for the future of our region?”

Since the initial allocation of 15 percent at the end of February, Westlands has noted several conditions that are incongruent with a water supply allocation lower than 50 percent. For instance, in comparison of conditions this year to 2018 where we had a 50 percent allocation, we are now seeing substantially more Delta outflow, better snowpack, and generally equivalent storage in upstream reservoirs.

To the best of our understanding, the allocation is being held below 50 percent for two reasons: uncertainty in hydrology and corresponding conservatism in water management; and anticipated operational constraints for the protection of fisheries in the Delta.  We look forward to working with Reclamation, consistent with requests made earlier this spring by congressional leaders, to appropriately balance risks to water supply. With regard to restrictions caused by fisheries concerns, Westlands continues to seek clarification and documentation for these decisions. At present, and based on available information, we believe the decisions will not result in a measurable effect on the populations of the species, despite their significant cost to water supply. We feel this is a missed opportunity to celebrate what appears to be a healthy population of fisheries and does not warrant the high cost or alarmist actions.

Perhaps most concerning to Westlands is that this current experience raises concerns for how the regulatory agencies will approach the promised improvements to transparency, science-based decisions, and adaptive management under the pending Biological Opinions and Voluntary Agreements. Westlands remains vigilant in the effort to improve collaborative water supply decision-making and the transparency and accountability for those decisions.

We remain hopeful that Reclamation will increase our water allocation so that the District can continue to meet California’s – and the nation’s – food supply and food security needs.

San Luis-Delta Mendota Water Authority’s statement …

Federico Barajas, “While we welcome this moderate allocation increase for South of Delta Irrigation Water Service and Repayment Contractors, it is disappointing given current water conditions in California. Water allocations in a year where most CVP reservoirs are full and snowpack is above average should be much higher.” said Federico Barajas, Executive Director of the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority. “Today’s allocation update reflects the challenge we have with additional constraints to CVP operations that are creating high levels of uncertainty that have resulted in lower allocations than expected.”

Congressman David Valadao’s statement …

“A 5% increase is insufficient for our family farms and downstream communities who rely on meaningful allocations to grow the food that feeds the world,” said Congressman Valadao. “Recent storms, current reservoir capacity, and a healthy snowpack should give Reclamation the flexibility to significantly increase allocations and get CVP users the water they contract and pay for. I will continue urging transparency in Reclamation’s decision-making and a significant increase in water allocations for South-of-Delta agriculture.”