KNOWABLE: The hidden threat from rising coastal groundwater Knowable Magazine News February 10, 2024 141Sea level rise won’t hit just homes on shorefronts, but also the infrastructure beneath our feet By Shellie Habel, Knowable...
USGS: New model shows sea level rise can cause increases in groundwater levels along California’s coasts USGS Science September 30, 2020 235A new model that combines sea-level rise scenarios and information about associated groundwater level responses shows that coastal water tables...
STATE OF THE ESTUARY: Underappreciated Effects of Sea-Level Rise on Groundwater Levels Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and Features January 9, 2020 1691When most think of the possible impacts of sea level rise, they think of coastal flooding and the growing risks...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Emergent groundwater and sea level rise in the San Francisco Bay Area: the silent and largely unknown underground threat Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features November 8, 2018 2362The threats that sea level rise poses to coastal development from direct inundation are better understood than the threats due...