CDFW Releases 1 Million Chinook Salmon into San Pablo Bay from Cal Maritime Campus Department of Fish and Wildlife Agency News June 15, 2024 117From the Department of Fish and Wildlife: As the sun set over the San Pablo Bay June 10, the California...
CDFW NEWS: 500,000 Juvenile Salmon released into Klamath River Department of Fish and Wildlife Press Release/Other April 19, 2024 72Press release from the Department of Fish and Wildlife The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) this week successfully...
CDFW: Fall-Run Chinook Salmon Fry Succumb to Gas Bubble Disease in Klamath River Department of Fish and Wildlife Agency News March 2, 2024 333From the Department of Fish and Wildlife: The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) announced today that fall-run Chinook...
NOTEBOOK FEATURE: Ramping up releases of hatchery Delta smelt to the wild Robin Meadows Delta scienceNotebook News and Features January 29, 2024 1016By Robin Meadows It’s a lovely December morning in Rio Vista, a town of 10,000 in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta....
SFEWS: Keeping water in headwaters longer; Fishery impacts of hatchery-origin vs. natural-origin chinook salmon, Diets of fish in the Stanislaus River, and more … Guest Contributor Delta scienceScience December 28, 2023 145San Francisco Estuary & Watershed Science (SFEWS) provides credible scientific information on California’s complex water issues, linking new science to...
HIGH COUNTRY NEWS: California’s Central Valley chinook are getting lost on their way home High Country News News November 1, 2023 192The culprit is a tactic designed to save them – one that could decrease the species’ resilience in the long...
DWR NEWS: DWR Gets Hands-on with Thiamine Deficiency in Spring-run Salmon Department of Water Resources (DWR) Delta scienceScience July 7, 2023 150From the Department of Water Resources: California’s Central Valley is home to four runs of Chinook salmon: spring, fall, late-fall,...
UC SANTA CRUZ: Shrinking age distribution of spawning salmon raises climate resilience concerns UC Santa Cruz Science February 27, 2023 5Study suggests changes in hatchery practices could help increase population stability for Sacramento River fall-run Chinook salmon, the backbone of...
DWR NEWS: DWR and CDFW Release Fish Into the Wild Department of Water Resources (DWR) Agency News June 28, 2022From DWR News Oroville’s Feather River Fish Hatchery (FRFH) released over 11.3 million young Chinook salmon smolts into the waters...
Increased Hatchery Production Aims to Boost Chinook Salmon for Endangered Killer Whales NOAA Fisheries Science October 4, 2021 108State, tribal, and federal hatcheries seek to increase Chinook by 4–5 percent From NOAA Fisheries: Federal, state, and tribal salmon...
CA WATER COMMISSION: Feather River Fish Hatchery Maven Notebook News and Features May 16, 2019 865The Feather River Fish Hatchery is a State Water Project facility that was built in conjunction with the construction of...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Harvest, Hatchery Returns, and Straying of Salmon Released at Bay and Delta sites during California’s Drought Maven Best of the NotebookDelta science January 17, 2019 729The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Coleman National Fish Hatchery is the largest salmon hatchery in California, annually producing 12...
US FWS: Rain or Shine, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biologists Work Through Some Tough Weather Conditions US Fish and Wildlife Service Science January 19, 2017 3By Steve Martarano, US FWS The rains came, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service got to work. Whether it...