SFEWS: Keeping water in headwaters longer; Fishery impacts of hatchery-origin vs. natural-origin chinook salmon, Diets of fish in the Stanislaus River, and more …

San Francisco Estuary & Watershed Science (SFEWS) provides credible scientific information on California’s complex water issues, linking new science to policy with great effect. SFEWS retains a regional focus on the San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, also known as the Bay–Delta watershed.

In this edition:

  • ESSAY: Keeping Water in Climate-Changed Headwaters Longer
  • NOTE: Proofing Field and Laboratory Species Identification Procedures Developed for the Non-Native Osmerid Species Wakasagi (Hypomesus nipponensis) Using SHERLOCK-Based Genetic Verification
  • RESEARCH: Comparing Fishery Impacts and Maturation Schedules of Hatchery-Origin vs. Natural-Origin Fish from a Threatened Chinook Salmon Stock
  • Diets of Native and Non-Native Piscivores in the Stanislaus River, California, Under Contrasting Hydrologic Conditions
  • A Simple Approach to Modeling Light Attenuation in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta Using Commonly Available Data
  • A Simplified Approach for Estimating Ionic Concentrations from Specific Conductance Data in the San Francisco Estuary

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