FEATURE: New survey of Delta residents aims to boost quality of life and equity Robin Meadows Notebook News and Features November 28, 2023 284by Robin Meadows The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta seems like one of the most scrutinized places on Earth, with decades of...
DELTA STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL: Integrating social sciences in the Delta Maven Notebook News and Features March 16, 2023 216[cmtoc_table_of_contents] Integrating the social sciences into environmental science and management in the Delta can contribute to a better understanding of...
Building Bridges with Science for Communities Maven Commentary March 3, 2022 35By Senior Environmental Scientist Cory Copeland If you ever go to coffee or happy hour with a State scientist, you...
BROWN BAG SEMINAR: Understanding the human dimensions of social agro-ecological systems: What motivates farmer decision-making and policy change? Maven Delta science July 15, 2020 243Sea Grant is a federal-state partnership between NOAA and the 34 university-based programs in every coastal and Great Lakes states,...
BROWN BAG SEMINAR: Building Socioecological Resilience by Confronting Environmental Injustice: A Participatory Approach Maven Delta science July 9, 2020 103Sea Grant is a federal-state partnership between NOAA and the 34 university-based programs in every coastal and Great Lakes states,...
BROWN BAG SEMINAR: Engaging Diverse Communities around Water, Climate, and the Environment Maven Delta science July 2, 2020 178Sea Grant is a federal and state partnership between NOAA and 34 university-based programs in every coastal and Great Lakes...
BROWN BAG SEMINAR: Franks Tract Futures: Using map based public surveys to inform a participatory multi-benefit design project Maven Delta science June 23, 2020 298Sea Grant is a federal state partnership between NOAA and 34 university based programs in every coastal and Great Lakes...