DELTA INDEPENDENT SCIENCE BOARD: The California Environmental Flows Framework Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and Features April 7, 2022 495[cmtoc_table_of_contents] California water is a seemingly unending battle of allocating an often scarce resource among cities, farms, and the environment. ...
TED GRANTHAM: The evolution of environmental flows in California Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features April 15, 2020 1093Ted Grantham is a Cooperative Extension Specialist at UC Berkeley and the CalTrout Ecosystem Fellow with the Public Policy Institute...
GUEST COMMENTARY (REBUTTAL): Ecologists see little difference between unimpaired and (truly) functional approaches to flow Guest Contributor Commentary February 4, 2020 955This guest commentary was written by Julie Zimmerman, Jeanette Howard, Jon Rosenfield, and Rene Henery in response to The Final...
BROWN BAG SEMINAR: California floodplains and the fish that use them Maven Delta science June 18, 2018 407How restoring functional flows to floodplains could help restore native fish Two centuries ago, the floor of the Central Valley...
PANEL DISCUSSION: The Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan Update: Now What Happens? Maven Notebook News and Features May 24, 2018 863Panel at ACWA Conference discusses unimpaired versus functional flows and the potential for voluntary settlements The State Water Board is...
BROWN BAG SEMINAR: Development of Recommended Flow Targets to Support Biological Integrity Based on Regional Flow-Ecology Relationships for Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Southern California Streams Maven Delta science May 1, 2018 205Dr. Eric Stein is the principal scientist at Southern California Coastal Water Research Project where he oversees a variety of...
BROWN BAG SEMINAR: Developing Tiered Environmental Flow Criteria Using a Functional Flows Approach for California Streams Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features April 1, 2018 543Establishing environmental flow targets to protect aquatic communities is a priority for numerous programs in California including in the Delta....
FLOWS SYMPOSIUM, PART 1: The science of natural functional flows to the Delta: In-stream flow science for sustainable river management Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 17, 2017 323In January of 2013, a symposium hosted by Delta Science Program and the UC Davis Center for Aquatic Biology and...
CHRIS ENRIGHT: What Do We Mean by “Natural Functional Delta Inflow” in a Regulated and Modified System? Maven Science July 16, 2017 1“The issue here for the day is really what do we mean by natural functional flows,” began Chris Enright, Senior...
THE SCIENCE OF NATURAL FUNCTIONAL FLOWS TO THE DELTA Maven Delta science July 16, 2017 4In January of 2013, a symposium hosted by Delta Science Program and the UC Davis Center for Aquatic Biology and...
PANEL DISCUSSION: The science of natural functional flows to the Delta Maven Delta science July 16, 2017“Some would argue that more storage in the system would actually benefit native species and our ability to provide environmental...
DR. SARAH YARNELL: Ecological Response to the Unregulated Spring Flow Regime in the Sierra Nevada Maven Science July 16, 2017 3Dr. Sarah Yarnell is Associate Project Scientist at the Center for Watershed Sciences, and her presentation was drawn from research...
ROBIN GROSSINGER: Delta Inflows of the Past: Lessons for Connecting Landscape Elements – Hydrograph Variability and Functions from the Historical Landscape Maven Delta science July 16, 2017 3Robin Grossinger, Senior Scientist at the San Francisco Estuary Institute, began by saying he felt well-set up by the first...
THIS JUST IN … ACWA, California Farm Water Coalition say State Water Board’s San Joaquin River flow proposal is the wrong approach Maven Press Release/Other March 17, 2017 495The organizations advocate a ‘functional flows’ approach Today was the deadline for comments to be submitted to the State Water...
Broad group of farmers express concerns over State Water Board’s approach to flows Maven Notebook News and Features February 23, 2017 291The State Water Board should focus on functional flows, not unimpaired flows, they say In a letter to the State...