ESSAY: Water wasted to sea? Guest Contributor Commentary November 8, 2024 408By James E. Cloern, Jane Kay, Wim Kimmerer, Jeffrey Mount, Peter B. Moyle, and Anke Müeller–Solger If we farmed the...
PRESS RELEASE: Water Blueprint for the San Joaquin Valley and Southern California Water Coalition submit urgent request to Governor Newsom and Interior Secretary Haaland to suspend action reducing water supplies for 2024 Water Blueprint for the SJ Valley Press Release/Other August 26, 2024 1176Press release from the Water Blueprint for the San Joaquin Valley and the Southern California Water Coalition: The Water Blueprint...
COURTHOUSE NEWS: Still reeling from pandemic, Sacramento delta residents eye major land, water management deals Courthouse News Service News February 16, 2024 387California’s fertile Sacramento delta region has long been central to debates over how to best manage California’s water resources and...
LETTER: NGOs say DWR needs to revise Delta Conveyance Project EIR because of new information in Water Board’s proposed updates to the Bay-Delta Plan Maven Notebook News and Features October 30, 2023 390They say the proposed Bay Delta Plan amendments call for substantial increases in outflows to protect the Delta which would...
DAN WALTERS: California has a new plan for the Delta but faces the same conflicts over water Cal Matters Commentary October 8, 2023 522California has a new proposal for allocating water to enhance the environmentally fragile Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, but the state’s fundamental...
CAL MATTERS: The Bay-Delta ecosystem is collapsing. California just unveiled rival rescue plans Cal Matters News September 29, 2023 544by Rachel Becker, CalMatters Stay up-to-date with free briefings on topics that matter to all Californians. Subscribe to CalMatters today...
DELTA SCIENCE SPOTLIGHT: Fall X2 Action, Delta collaborative modeling project funded Maven Delta scienceScience September 14, 2023 224At the August meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Lead Scientist Dr. Laurel Larsen discussed a recent study on...
C-WIN: Even With Full Reservoirs, SF Bay Sturgeon Are Dying Again. Why? CA Water Impact Network (C-WIN) Press Release/Other August 10, 2023 259San Francisco Bay Catastrophes Are Due to Super Moons and Water Policy, Says Fisheries Expert Press release from the California...
FEATURE: Dam Releases Attempt to Boost Delta Smelt Habitat Jacoba Charles Delta scienceScience August 3, 2023 612By Jacoba Charles, Estuary News Group What is three inches long, nearly transparent, and holds sway over much of northern...
NOTEBOOK FEATURE: In 2021 people used all the runoff in the Delta watershed—how it happened and lessons learned Robin Meadows Delta scienceScience August 2, 2023 428by Robin Meadows This year is a classic example of the way California’s water system was designed to work. Winter...
DAN WALTERS: California’s water battles continue despite record rain and snow Cal Matters Commentary April 5, 2023 1By Dan Walters, Cal Matters Stay up-to-date with free briefings on topics that matter to all Californians. Subscribe to CalMatters...
CAL MATTERS COMMENTARY: Newsom’s Delta decisions are the sort of responsive moves California needs for water crisis Cal Matters Commentary March 17, 2023 3The decision to suspend environmental regulations for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta – and then reverse it a few weeks later...
CAL MATTERS COMMENTARY: Waiving California environmental rules for Delta water equates to a civil rights issue Cal Matters Commentary March 17, 2023 5Despite reversing course last week, the February decision by Gov. Gavin Newsom and state water officials to bypass environmental rules...
CAL MATTERS: State water agency rescinds controversial Delta order Cal Matters News March 10, 2023 63By Alistair Bland, Cal Matters State officials say the urgency to store more water has vanished as storms swell reservoirs....
CAL MATTERS: Water board waives Delta rules that protect salmon Cal Matters News February 23, 2023 1By Alistair Bland, Cal Matters California’s water board decided Tuesday to temporarily allow more storage in Delta reservoirs, waiving state...