They say the proposed Bay Delta Plan amendments call for substantial increases in outflows to protect the Delta which would result in a significant reduction of water exports
Dear Director Karla Nemeth and Department of Water Resources:
By this letter, our public interest organizations submit additional supplemental comments on the Department of Water Resources’ (DWR) Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Delta Conveyance Project.
These comments follow up the comments our organizations submitted on December 15, 2022, and supplemental comments we submitted on June 29, 2023.
These supplemental comments provide significant new information regarding environmental impacts of the proposed project that became available after DWR made the subject Draft EIR available for public review on July 27, 2022. The public interest organizations joining in this supplemental comment letter are Sierra Club California, AquAlliance, California Water Impact Network, California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, Center for Biological Diversity, Environmental Water Caucus, Friends of the River, Planning and Conservation League, and Restore the Delta.
The new information set forth in these supplemental comments and the referenced documents add to the circumstances requiring revision of the Draft EIR and recirculation for public review and comment that our organizations said was required in our previous comments on the Draft EIR.
View/download letter below.
10 30 23 Final Supp cmts for pdf