DELTA SCIENCE NEEDS, PART 2: What do managers need to know to effectively make decisions in the future Delta? Maven Delta science June 25, 2020 367Jennifer Pierre, Paul Souza, and Campbell Ingram discuss what their needs are for managing the Delta into the future: Will...
TED GRANTHAM: The evolution of environmental flows in California Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features April 15, 2020 1078Ted Grantham is a Cooperative Extension Specialist at UC Berkeley and the CalTrout Ecosystem Fellow with the Public Policy Institute...
ECOSYSTEM-BASED MANAGEMENT: A new paradigm for managing California’s freshwater ecosystems Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features March 25, 2020 739Californians rely on the state’s myriad of rivers and streams for things such as water supply, hydropower, recreation, fisheries, biodiversity,...
GUEST COMMENTARY: A new threat to California Streams: Will the rush to develop our newest water source destroy more streams? Guest Contributor Commentary March 17, 2020 421Commentary by North Coast Stream Flow Coalition, written by Felice Pace, Policy Advisor The first plans implementing California’s landmark groundwater...
DR. JAY LUND: Integrated Modeling and Delta Science & Policy Maven Delta science March 12, 2020 526The search is on for a new Delta lead scientist to oversee the Delta Science Program and to consult regularly...
STATE OF ESTUARY: Vital signs of the San Francisco Estuary fish community Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and Features December 19, 2019 386Dr. Christina Swanson takes a look at the status of the San Francisco Estuary’s fish community The San Francisco estuary...
BROWN BAG SEMINAR: Viewing estuaries from a ‘macroscope’: How global, regional, and local processes affect the San Francisco Bay and Delta Maven Best of the NotebookDelta science September 18, 2019 645There has been an ongoing conversation about the importance of thinking about the San Francisco Estuary holistically as a connected...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Drought Resistance and Resilience in the Delta Fish Community for over 5 Decades Maven Delta science January 24, 2019 233The 2012-2016 California drought was unprecedented in severity. In the San Francisco Estuary, the drought was characterized by elevated nutrient...
DR. JEFF MOUNT: Ecosystem Water Budgets: A Novel Approach to Managing Water for the Environment Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and Features January 9, 2019 1261Dr. Jeff Mount has a long history of involvement with science issues in the Delta. As a professor at UC...
BROWN BAG SEMINAR: Developing Tiered Environmental Flow Criteria Using a Functional Flows Approach for California Streams Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features April 1, 2018 542Establishing environmental flow targets to protect aquatic communities is a priority for numerous programs in California including in the Delta....
THIS JUST IN … State Launches Aggressive Strategy to Aid Salmon, Steelhead in the Sacramento Valley CA Natural Resources Agency Agency News June 2, 2017 753Actions Aim to Reduce Threats to Iconic Species From the California Natural Resources Agency: With the latest science showing that...
Integrated ecosystem modeling for adaptive management: Lessons from 40 years of decision support in the Great Lakes Maven Notebook News and FeaturesScience March 31, 2016 271Limnotech’s Dr. John Wolfe presents two case studies from the Great Lakes which utilized integrated modeling and adaptive management to...
Conserving ecosystems during droughts Maven Notebook News and Features February 4, 2015 480Chuck Bonham, Sandy Matsumoto, Dr. Peter Moyle, and Tim Quinn discuss how to prepare for the next drought, including developing...
Ecosystem Modeling to Support Adaptive Management – Lessons from 40 years of Decision Support for the Great Lakes Maven Best of the NotebookDelta science November 25, 2014 432Managing large interconnected systems of water bodies presents complex challenges, and model simulations are an essential tool. For many years,...
Ellen Hanak on scientists and stakeholder views of Delta ecosystem management Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features November 20, 2013 345At the State of the Estuary conference held at the end of October, Ellen Hanak gave a presentation that summarized...