USFWS: A fix for flooding and fish passage on the Klamath River US Fish and Wildlife Service Agency News July 29, 2024 226Federal funds provide peace of mind to Tribe, improves fish passage in lower Klamath River By the US Fish &...
COURTHOUSE NEWS: California Fish and Wildlife director still on the hook in water rights suit Courthouse News Service News October 2, 2023 1518Three claims remain against Charlton Bonham, executive director of the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife, and certain others can...
CDFW NEWS: Improved passage lets threatened sturgeon, salmon and other species return to spawn in Sacramento River Department of Fish and Wildlife Delta scienceNewsScience June 7, 2023 33Dozens of adult sturgeon and hundreds of other large fish including threatened Chinook salmon have moved safely from receding floodwaters...
COURTHOUSE NEWS: California touts $60 million plan to revive Yuba River for salmon Courthouse News Service News May 16, 2023 20By Natalie Hanson, Courthouse News Service California’s Yuba River, a vital breeding ground for salmon and other fish, could enjoy...
NEWS RELEASE: Agreement reopens Yuba River to salmon and sturgeon, launching ambitious river restoration Department of Fish and Wildlife Science May 16, 2023 16Upgraded facilities and protections promote the return of Chinook to North Yuba River By CA Department of Fish and Wildlife...
NOAA FISHERIES: Hemphill Dam Removal Puts California Salmon in Hot Pursuit of Cold Water NOAA Fisheries Science January 17, 2023 8Collaborative efforts reopen six additional miles of habitat to migrating and resident fish. By NOAA Fisheries California salmon are now...
DWR: Groundbreaking marks largest floodplain salmon rearing habitat project in California history Department of Water Resources (DWR) Agency News June 23, 2022By the Department of Water Resources: Federal and state agencies broke ground today on a project that will become the...
Shasta Dam Fish Passage Evaluation: Winter-run Chinook may swim above Shasta Dam once again Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and Features October 8, 2015 1513Agency scientists discuss the winter-run captive broodstock program at Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery, the conceptual designs for the juvenile...