SJV WATER: Extreme, prolonged heat is straining drinking water wells throughout the San Joaquin Valley SJV Water News August 7, 2024 116By Jesse Vad, SJV Water Despite back-to-back good water years, domestic wells are still drying up all across the valley...
EOS: Scientists “Astonished” at 2023 Temperature Record American Geophysical Union News January 12, 2024 115Global temperatures in 2023 smashed records by a wide margin, surprising climate scientists and highlighting the need for more research....
NOTEBOOK FEATURE: Heat waves strike rivers too—can prescribed burns and beavers cool streams for salmon? Robin Meadows Science November 2, 2023 300By Robin Meadows While marine heat waves are well known, a 2022 study was the first to document aquatic temperature...
DELTA LEAD SCIENTIST: Drivers of and trends in Delta water temperature Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 14, 2022 191At the June meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Lead Scientist Laurel Larsen’s report focused on the effects of...
UC SANTA CRUZ: Survivor salmon that withstand drought and ocean warming provide a lifeline for California Chinook UC Santa Cruz Delta scienceScience October 28, 2021 1Late migration of outgoing juvenile fish is a crucial life history strategy for survival of spring-run Chinook salmon during drought...
UC SANTA CRUZ: Shasta Dam releases can be managed to benefit both salmon and sturgeon, study finds UC Santa Cruz News August 20, 2019 4Optimal scenario for releasing water into the Sacramento River can meet the needs of endangered winter-run chinook salmon, threatened green...