PRESS RELEASE: Groups challenge Water Boards’ orders as harmful to Central Coast disadvantaged communities and fisheries Conservation organizations & coalitions Press Release/Other October 30, 2023 791They contend that nitrates in runoff from chemical fertilizers and other sources contaminate thousands of drinking water wells, and the...
ACWA CONFERENCE PANEL: Reconciling the Regulatory Overlap of Groundwater Programs Maven Notebook News and Features July 7, 2021 149Several regulatory programs have been created and evolved over time to address various issues, such as SGMA, CV-SALTS, and the...
CAL MATTERS: New report: Drought to hit rural Latino communities hardest Cal Matters News May 13, 2021The Legislative Analyst’s Office warns California lawmakers to prepare to dispatch emergency drinking water to vulnerable communities, particularly in the...
What is Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM)? Maven Notebook News and Features February 17, 2021 894Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) is an initiative led by the Department of Water Resources that seeks to support collaborative...
WESTERN GROUNDWATER CONGRESS: SGMA and the Human Right to Water Maven Notebook News and Features December 17, 2020 214Natalie Cochran is a water resources planner at Woodard Curran who has spent the last two and a half years...
GSA SUMMIT: Addressing environment, disadvantaged communities, and domestic wells in the 2022 Groundwater Sustainability Plans Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features August 19, 2020 522[cmtoc_table_of_contents] The groundwater sustainability plans that were submitted to the Department of Water Resources in January of 2020 were the...