HISTORY: Delta Independent Science Board: 10 Years On Maven Delta science September 10, 2020 222The Delta Independent Science Board (or Delta ISB) is a 10-member board comprised of prominent scientists from different disciplines across...
CALIFORNIA WATER COMMISSION: The Delta’s history and ecology take center stage Maven Notebook News and Features September 6, 2017 479Dr. Bruce Herbold, Robin Grossinger, and Hap Dunning among the panelists on hand to discuss the Delta’s historic ecology, the...
FELICIA MARCUS on the State Water Board 50th anniversary: ’50 is the new 30’ Maven Notebook News and Features April 19, 2017 290Felicia Marcus was appointed to the Board by Governor Brown in 2012, and designated as the Board Chair shortly after. ...
JUSTICE RONALD B. ROBIE: The State Water Resources Control Board: How it All Started Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features April 18, 2017 1376Justice Ronald B. Robie has had a profound influence on the development of water and environmental law in California. Justice...
Delta Narratives, pt 4: Writers and artists in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features February 18, 2016 505Dr. Gregg Camfield surveys literature written about the Delta, focusing on an American humorist’s vision of Benicia “Stories matter. Contemporary...
Delta Narratives, pt. 3: Building Communities in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Economics and Ethnicity Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features February 17, 2016 412Dr. Jennifer Helzer and Dr. Bob Benedetti look at the diverse cultures that shaped the communities of the Delta Throughout...
Delta Narratives, pt. 2: Stitching a River Culture: Trade, Transportation and Communication in the Delta Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features February 11, 2016 691The Delta Narratives project continues with a look at the history of boating, trains, trucks, and mechanical innovation in the...
Delta Narratives, pt 1: Managing the Garden: Agriculture, Reclamation, and Restoration in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features February 10, 2016 1004The Delta Protection Commission’s Delta Narratives project seeks to tell the human story of the Delta “These days the Delta...
Radio show transcript: Michael Jackson, water rights lawyer, on California’s water history, the twin tunnels, and how this affects Northern California groundwater Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features October 14, 2014 579Jim Brobeck, water policy analyst for AquAlliance, interviewed water rights attorney Michael Jackson for a radio show which broadcast on...