DWR NEWS: A Summer of (Eco)Restoration Department of Water Resources (DWR) Agency News August 2, 2022 9By DWR News Summer 2022 is a season of ecological restoration for the Department of Water Resources (DWR). From June...
CCST BRIEFING: Drought in the Delta Maven Best of the NotebookDelta science January 12, 2022 492What are the cascading, overlapping, and compounding events caused by drought in the Delta? In early December, the California Council...
DELTA LEAD SCIENTIST REPORT: New research papers focus on habitat, flow, predation Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 30, 2020 239[cmtoc_table_of_contents] At the July meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Lead Scientist Dr. John Callaway updated the Council on...
DELTA SCIENCE NEEDS, PART 2: What do managers need to know to effectively make decisions in the future Delta? Maven Delta science June 25, 2020 369Jennifer Pierre, Paul Souza, and Campbell Ingram discuss what their needs are for managing the Delta into the future: Will...
DELTA SCIENCE NEEDS: Looking at climate change impacts Maven Delta science June 2, 2020 369Conditions in the Delta are changing at a rapid pace and the future is likely to look very different than...
NOTICE OF PREPARATION: Delta Plan Ecosystem Amendment Maven Press Release/Other May 26, 2020 223On May 11, the Delta Stewardship Council issued a Notice of Preparation of a Program Environmental Impact Report for the...
PANEL DISCUSSION: Making the Delta a Better Place for Native Fishes Maven Notebook News and Features June 27, 2018 439Dr. Peter Moyle, Lead Scientist Dr. John Callaway, and OC Coastkeeper’s Garry Brown discuss recent white paper In March of...
BROWN BAG SEMINAR: The Delta as Changing Landscapes Maven Delta science June 21, 2017 539Letitia Grenier is the principal investigator for the San Francisco Estuary Institute’s Delta Landscapes project, which recently completed an in-depth...
DELTA PLAN INTERAGENCY IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE: Ecosystem Restoration Progress Update Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features January 11, 2017 225Panel discusses the progress made on ecosystem restoration projects in the Delta At the Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee meeting...
Getting to the Bottom of It: An Overview of the Environmental Monitoring Program’s Benthic Monitoring in the Delta Maven Delta science September 15, 2016 577DWR’s Dr. Betsy Wells takes a look at the creatures that live on the bottom of the Delta Creating a...
State of Bay Delta Science 2016, part 2: Water quality and contaminant effects on species and water supply; The Bay-Delta food web; Delta landscape restoration Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features January 14, 2016 433Stephanie Fong discusses what we know and don’t know about contaminants; Dr. Wim Kimmerer on Delta food web changes; and...
Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee, pt 1: Delta Challenges: Complex, Chaotic or Simply Cantankerous Maven Notebook News and Features December 1, 2015 389The Committee discusses the challenges facing the Delta, and what their respective agencies are doing to address them As implementation...
This just in … The Delta Challenges Report: Former Delta Lead Scientists Summarize Challenges, Complexities in Vital Estuary Delta Stewardship Council Reports September 29, 2015 515Delta Poses “Wicked” Problems That Must Be Managed From the Natural Resources Agency: Problems in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta are...
Landscape-scale planning for ecological resilience in the Bay and Delta Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 30, 2015 363Senior Scientist Robin Grossinger discusses the latest research working to develop tools and to understand how to build landscapes resilient...
Fish Restoration Program update: Prospect Island, Decker Island, and more Delta restoration news Maven Press Release/Other July 2, 2015 400From the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW): Prospect Island EIR...