SCIENCE SPOTLIGHT: New study looks at stressors that impact presence or absence of Delta smelt Maven Delta scienceScience May 25, 2023 184At the April meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Lead Scientist Dr. Laurel Larsen spotlighted a study funded by...
NOTEBOOK FEATURE: Voluntary Agreements Could Make the Delta a Better Place for Fish—Provided They’re Done Properly Robin Meadows Delta scienceNotebook News and Features May 23, 2023 615By Robin Meadows The State Water Resources Control Board, which both allocates surface water rights and protects water quality for...
FEATURE: Ecosystem Restoration Progress Review for the Delta and Suisun Marsh Maven Delta scienceScience May 10, 2023 213The Delta and Suisun Marsh are among the most important ecosystems in the state, providing vital habitat for a variety...
USBR NEWS: Reclamation takes advantage of full Shasta reservoir to release flows for migrating salmon Bureau of Reclamation News Delta scienceNews May 8, 2023 39Scientists aim to increase their data set from spring pulse flows By Gary Pitzer, Bureau of Reclamation Prior to the...
SCIENCE FEATURE: Structured Decision Making for Delta Smelt Habitat: Synthesizing Multiple Streams of IEP Data to Inform Management Maven Delta scienceScience May 4, 2023 205Our native species face numerous threats, including climate change, habitat loss, and invasive species. Therefore, effective management strategies must be...
DELTA LEAD SCIENTIST: Sea level rise and the Delta’s wetlands Maven Delta scienceScience April 6, 2023 213This article has been updated to reflect feedback from the study’s authors. Wetlands an ‘important battle partner’ in managing sea...
CDFW Testing ‘Parentage-Based Tagging’ of Fall-Run Chinook Salmon Department of Fish and Wildlife Delta scienceNews March 16, 2023 111By the Department of Fish & Wildlife: Under cover of darkness and with a series of cold, late-winter storms building,...
DELTA LEAD SCIENTIST: Implementing equity in water management; Upcoming modeling workshop; 2022 State of Bay-Delta Science; and more … Maven Delta scienceScience February 16, 2023 165At the January meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Lead Scientist Dr. Laurel Larsen’s article spotlight report focused on...
NOW AVAILABLE: The State of Bay Delta Science 2022: primary production, invasive aquatic vegetation, remote sensing, harmful algal blooms, carbon sequestration, and more … Maven Delta scienceScience February 9, 2023 51The State of Bay-Delta Science (SBDS) is a collection of papers that represents the state of scientific knowledge on relevant...
California Environmental Flows Framework: The Ways Good Science Gets Watered Down Maven Delta science January 14, 2023 152By Paul Stanton Kibel In the field of natural resources policy, there is a longstanding tendency for good science to...
DELTA LEAD SCIENTIST: Advances in mapping invasive aquatic vegetation Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features December 22, 2022 149At the December meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Lead Scientist Dr. Laurel Larsen discussed Council-funded research that will...
DELTA LEAD SCIENTIST: The role of water quality in salmon predation Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and FeaturesScience December 6, 2022 251At the November meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Lead Scientist Laurel Larsen spotlighted research funded by the Council...
DELTA LEAD SCIENTIST: Wetlands and food production, longfin smelt proposed listing, and the activities of the Delta Science Program Maven Delta science November 9, 2022 115At the October meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Lead Scientist Dr. Laurel Larsen highlighted Council-funded research that studied whether...
WEBINAR SUMMARY: Adaptive governance in the Delta Maven Delta scienceScience November 2, 2022 142On May 5 of 2022, the Delta Science Program hosted the third and final session of a webinar series focusing...
ESTUARY PEARLS: Beavers, climate impacts, harmful algal blooms, juvenile salmon, phytoplankton production, and more … Estuary News Group Delta scienceScience September 2, 2022 85California will spend big bucks on beavers to try to boost their numbers and reap some of the benefits—including slowing...