IEP ANNUAL MEETING: Understanding Predators to Better Understand Predation Maven Delta scienceScience September 7, 2023 112Salmon populations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta have significantly decreased over the past century, with most populations considered endangered, threatened,...
DELTA LEAD SCIENTIST: A tool for optimizing groundwater recharge; update on nutria eradication efforts Maven Delta scienceScience August 17, 2023 208At the July meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Lead Scientist Dr. Laurel Larsen spotlighted an article that developed...
FEATURE: Delta Increasingly Bogged Down with Weeds Jacoba Charles Delta scienceScience August 9, 2023 215By Jacoba Charles, Estuary News Group Aquatic plants tend to hide in plain sight, overlooked other than the occasional striking...
FEATURE: Dam Releases Attempt to Boost Delta Smelt Habitat Jacoba Charles Delta scienceScience August 3, 2023 639By Jacoba Charles, Estuary News Group What is three inches long, nearly transparent, and holds sway over much of northern...
USGS: Where the rubber meets the road (and river) – Evaluating impacts of stormwater and road runoff on salmon and aquatic ecosystems USGS Delta scienceScience August 3, 2023 162From the USGS What is 6PPD and its toxic variant, 6PPDQ? Stormwater and road runoff are increasingly recognized forms of...
NOTEBOOK FEATURE: In 2021 people used all the runoff in the Delta watershed—how it happened and lessons learned Robin Meadows Delta scienceScience August 2, 2023 429by Robin Meadows This year is a classic example of the way California’s water system was designed to work. Winter...
IEP ANNUAL MEETING: Dr. Jay Lund: Floods, droughts, and climate change, oh my! Maven Delta science July 27, 2023 319The Delta’s ecosystem and native species are in decline, despite the considerable efforts and resources devoted to reversing the trend. ...
DWR NEWS: DWR Gets Hands-on with Thiamine Deficiency in Spring-run Salmon Department of Water Resources (DWR) Delta scienceScience July 7, 2023 150From the Department of Water Resources: California’s Central Valley is home to four runs of Chinook salmon: spring, fall, late-fall,...
SCIENCE SPOTLIGHT: Australian wildfires and California drought Maven Delta scienceScience June 28, 2023 1651At the June meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Lead Scientist Dr. Laurel Larsen spotlighted an article on the...
NOTEBOOK FEATURE: Wild baby salmon raised on a California rice farm show stunning survival to the ocean Robin Meadows Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and FeaturesScience June 22, 2023 2645When Steve Neader’s rice farm flooded last winter after three years of drought, a UC Davis research team checked to...
DELTA ISB: Decision-making under deep uncertainty: What is it and why is it useful? Maven Delta scienceScienceWebinars June 13, 2023 1301The Delta is constantly changing and predicting these changes has become a difficult task. As California’s climate changes in sometimes...
DWR NEWS: DWR and Partners Experiment with Soft Release Method to Improve Delta Smelt Survival DWR and Partners Experiment with Soft Release Method to Improve Delta Smelt Survival Department of Water Resources (DWR) Delta scienceNewsScience June 7, 2023 33By DWR News Delta smelt are a fish that have gone from vast abundance to the brink of extinction. After...
CDFW NEWS: Improved passage lets threatened sturgeon, salmon and other species return to spawn in Sacramento River Department of Fish and Wildlife Delta scienceNewsScience June 7, 2023 34Dozens of adult sturgeon and hundreds of other large fish including threatened Chinook salmon have moved safely from receding floodwaters...
SCIENCE SPOTLIGHT: Yolo Bypass floodplains and fish food Maven Delta scienceScience June 7, 2023 255The Yolo Bypass was originally designed as a flood control measure to protect the city of Sacramento. It is also...
NOTEBOOK FEATURE: Sturgeon Arose During the Jurassic—Can They Survive the Anthropocene? Robin Meadows Delta scienceNotebook News and FeaturesScience May 31, 2023 411Written by Robin Meadows Sturgeon have been around far longer than humans—a jaw-dropping 200 million years to our comparatively short...