Reservoir and water conditions


Comprehensive websites for California conditions

California Water Watch website

California Water Watch

This DWR website offers the most current local and statewide water conditions updated dynamically from a variety of data sources.

California Data Exchange Center

The CDEC website provides users access to hydrologic and climate information used to support real-time flood management and water supply needs in California.

California’s Groundwater Live

DWR developed California’s Groundwater Live in conjunction with the public release of California’s Groundwater Update 2020.  This groundwater tool features the latest groundwater information, live statistics and a series of interactive dashboards on current conditions, groundwater levels, well infrastructure, and land subsidence.


Northern Sierra 8 station index

8-station index plot

The Northern Sierra 8 station index is the average of eight precipitation stations and serves as a wetness index for the Sacramento River hydrologic region.

San Joaquin 5-station index

The San Joaquin 5-station index is the average of five precipitation stations in the watershed and serves as a wetness index for the San Joaquin hydrologic region.

Tulare Basin 6-station index

The Tulare Basin 6-station index is the average of six precipitation stations in the watershed and serves as a wetness index for the Tulare Basin hydrologic region.

Full natural flow

Accumulated Runoff (Full Natural Flow)

Chart that shows Full Natural Flow at DWR forecast points on selected California rivers.

California Data Exchange Center – Precipitation

DWR website that provides charts on daily, monthly precipitation, and real-time precipitation.

Western states precipitation

This website has an interactive map showing water year precipitation to date for the Western states.  NRCS Interactive Map water year precipitation to date

Atmospheric rivers

Center for Western Weather & Water Extremes (CW3E)

The Center for Western Weather & Water Extremes provides observations, forecasts, reconnaissance, and research on atmospheric rivers.

NOAA Atmospheric River Portal

Access information, images, analyses, diagnostics of current conditions, forecasts, and projects related to atmospheric rivers (ARs).


Plot of snow water content

Snow water content

Snow water content (SWC) is a measure of the amount of liquid water in the snow.

CA Cooperative Snow Surveys Program Snow Tracking Website

DWR website that charts the snowpack and dashboards for aerial snow surveys by basin, snow water equivalents, and more:

California Data Exchange Center – Snow

DWR website that provides charts and information on snow measurements, snow sensor data, and snow surveys.

More snow information …


Chart of major water supply reservoirs

California reservoir levels

California Data Exchange Center – Reservoirs

DWR website that provides charts and information on reservoir storage levels and operations.

Reservoir storage levels for major Reclamation reservoirs

Reclamation reservoir levels


Drought Monitor

Drought monitor

The U.S. Drought Monitor map released every Thursday, showing parts of the U.S. that are in drought, and classifying them from abnormally dry to exceptionally dry conditions.

National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS)

The National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) is a multi-agency partnership that coordinates drought monitoring, forecasting, planning, and information at national, tribal, state, and local levels.  A lot of data and maps available.

Vegetation Drought Response Index (VegDRI)

VegiDRI is a weekly depiction of vegetation stress across the contiguous United States.

Seasonal Drought Outlook

This map depicts large-scale trends on subjectively derived probabilities, guided by short- and long-range statistical and dynamical forecasts.

Quick DRI

This index is tailored to detect short-term changes and rapid intensification of drought conditions through the integration of satellite, climate, and biophysical information.

River forecasts/flood management

Statewide Hydrologic Update

Daily Statewide Hydrologic Update

A map that shows regional river forecast conditions, precipitation, snow water content, and reservoir storage.

California-Nevada River Forecast Center

This website provides an interactive map with real-time information on river forecasts, snow data, observed and forecasted precipitation, observed and forecasted temperatures, flash flood guidance, water temperatures, watches/warnings, and more.

Colorado Basin River Forecast Center

This website provides an interactive map with real-time information on river forecasts, snow conditions, water supply forecasts, peak flow forecasts, reservoir conditions, daily/monthly precipitation, and more.

California Data Exchange Center – River Forecast

This webpage provides data on real-time precipitation, Delta tide forecast, snowmelt runoff volume forecasts, and more.

California Data Exchange Center – River Stages / Flow

This webpage provides data on real-time river stage maps, full natural flows, river stage information, and more.

National Weather Service regional forecast offices

Temperature/Precipitation Outlooks

Monthly Temp/Precip Outlook
Three Month Outlook
Seasonal Drought Outlook


California’s Groundwater Live

DWR developed California’s Groundwater Live in conjunction with the public release of California’s Groundwater Update 2020.  This groundwater tool features the latest groundwater information, live statistics and a series of interactive dashboards on current conditions, groundwater levels, well infrastructure, and land subsidence.

Groundwater Live website:

Story Maps:

CASGEM: California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM)

Since 2009, the California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Program has tracked seasonal and long-term groundwater elevation trends in groundwater basins and non-basin areas statewide.  The Program’s mission is to establish a permanent, locally-managed program of regular and systematic monitoring in all of California’s alluvial groundwater basins. This statewide groundwater elevation monitoring continues to act as a tool to help achieve the goals set out under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA).

Water project operations

Delta conditions and operations

Bay-Delta Live

Bay-Delta Live provides a wealth of information about the Delta, including operations, current conditions, weather and tides, and fish.

Term 91

Permit and license holders having Term 91 as a condition of their water right must cease diversions under the permit or license when the State Water Board issues notice that Term 91 curtailments are in effect.

State Water Project operations

This DWR webpage provides access to State Water Project operations reports and storage charts:

Central Valley Project operations

This Reclamation webpage gives access to operational data, water supply reports, water accounting reports, and flow schedules.

Lower Colorado River operations

Reclamation website with access to operations data, projected operatoins, annual operations plans, and other ongoing programs and activities.

National water conditions

NRCS interactive map

NRCS: National water and climate center

This website has an interactive map that shows snow water equivalent, precipitation, and streamflow for the western states.

USGS Water Watch

This website provides information on current streamflow, past flow/runoff, drought, flood, and more.

USGS National Water Dashboard

This website has data from over 13,000 USGS real-time stream, lake, reservoir, precipitation, water quality, and groudnwater stations in context with current weather and hazard conditions.

NASA Grace Groundwater Charts

The GRACE mission collects groundwater information for the nation and provides information on shallow groundwater drought indicators, root zone soil moisture, and surface soil moisture. Updated weekly.