Yolo Bypass Symposium, part 1: A flood of plans and possibilities Maven Best of the NotebookDelta science February 18, 2015 1897Symposium focuses on how to integrate agriculture, wildlife, and public access on the managed floodplain In between Sacramento and Davis...
California Water Action Plan implementation coordination and progress; Integrating flood and ecosystem planning in the Yolo Bypass Maven Notebook News and Features January 7, 2015 876Janelle Beland and Kris Tjernell from the California Natural Resources Agency brief the Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee on the...
California Water Policy Seminar Series: Farms, floods, fowl and fish on the Yolo Bypass: Can we all get along here? Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and Features May 12, 2014 1496The California Water Policy Seminar Series, presented by the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and the law school’s California...
Success in the Delta through collaboration and coordination: The California Water Quality Monitoring Council, the Yolo Bypass Foundation, and the Cosumnes River Preserve Maven Notebook News and Features April 23, 2014 341The theme of successful collaborations in the Delta continued with the last agenda item of the March meeting of the...
Tim Washburn on the history and future of Sacramento’s flood control system Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features March 28, 2013 4457On March 11th, 2013, the California Water Policy Seminar Series at UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences continued, hosting Tim...