RISING VOICES: Where does it go? Water allocations & algae blooms in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary The Water Hub News March 10, 2022 192Each month, the Water Hub is checking in with advocates and organizers in California to talk about the water issues...
NOW AVAILABLE: EPA releases the Cyanotoxins Preparedness and Response Toolkit Maven ANNOUNCEMENTS May 29, 2021 330From the US EPA: The EPA has posted a Cyanotoxins Preparedness and Response Toolkit (CPRT) online. The CPRT will help...
ESTUARY PEARLS PART 3: Pesticides, HABs, New Neural Network, Ship Channel, Tule Red, Quake Risk Levees and more Estuary News Group Delta scienceScience April 29, 2021 103ESTUARY News sent reporters to the first virtual Bay-Delta Science Conference in April 2021. This special edition of Pearls shares...
DELTA ISB: Harmful Algal Blooms in the Delta (and elsewhere) Maven Best of the NotebookDelta science April 14, 2021 1087Harmful algal blooms (or HABs) occur when colonies of algae, under the right conditions, grow out of control and produce...