NOW AVAILABLE: Executive Summary of the State of Bay-Delta Science 2022

From the Delta Stewardship Council:

The Delta Science Program is excited to share an executive summary for the 2022 edition of the State of Bay-Delta Science (SBDS), which explored the latest scientific understanding of plants and algae in the Bay-Delta and emphasized the benefits provided by and the negative impacts of these species on the region’s ecosystems and human uses.

This new report offers a condensed version of the seven detailed peer-reviewed articles that were published online earlier this year in the open-access San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science journal (Volume 20, Issue 4). It provides a snapshot of the main topics covered in each individual article, highlights key takeaways, and summarizes the next steps to consider for future science and management actions.

Visit the SBDS website to learn more about this ongoing synthesis effort, and read the summary below.
