FEATURE: Predicting and planning for extreme precipitation from atmospheric rivers Maven Notebook News and Features May 20, 2020 457On Feb. 27, 2019, an atmospheric river 350 miles wide and 1,600 miles long barreled through the sky, funneling moisture...
CAL MATTERS: Drought or dangerous flooding? Research to save California’s rain Cal Matters News February 25, 2020 1Store water for a drought, or prepare for floods? How atmospheric river research helps California decide. By Rachel Becker, Cal...
CA WATER COMMISSION: Update on State Water Project operations Maven Notebook News and Features January 2, 2020 501Coodinated Operations Agreement addendum, State Water Project incidental take permit, and the Yuba-Feather Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations program At the December...
ARMY CORPS: The Corps approves major deviation for Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations effort at Lake Mendocino US Army Corps of Engineers News January 28, 2019By the Army Corps of Engineers The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Pacific Division has approved a major deviation...
DELTA STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL: Outlook for Water Year 2018 Maven Notebook News and Features June 6, 2018 323Panel discusses outlook for the remaining water year for the State Water Project and Hetch Hetchy water systems, plus a...