ENGINEERING WITH NATURE: Mark Arax on The Dreamt Land—California Water, Sustainability, and EWN Maven Author Podcasts November 24, 2023 95Bounded by two mountain ranges, the 450-mile-long Central Valley dominates the middle of California and covers about 11% of the...
THE GOOP PODCAST: Erin Brockovich on How We’ll Rescue Ourselves Maven Author Podcasts November 24, 2023 42“I never thought you had to be any one way to be a person and to be kind and to...
CALIFORNIA SUN: Mark Arax on chasing water and dust across California Maven Author Podcasts November 24, 2023 132Mark Arax, a long-time California journalist, talks about the epic history of water in the Golden State. His new book,...
WEBINAR: SGMA Review: Achieving Groundwater Access for All & Visual Data Tool Demonstration Maven Podcasts and webinarsWebinars August 21, 2023 170A new report, authored by experts from organizations including The Nature Conservancy, the Union of Concerned Scientists, Audubon California, and...
USGS VIDEO: From Snow To Flow – When Snow Falls On A Mountain, Where Does It Go? USGS Podcasts and webinars August 4, 2023 49By Andrea Creighton, USGS Hydrologist Learn about USGS science seeking to understand the effects of climate change and future of...
DELTA ISB: Decision-making under deep uncertainty: What is it and why is it useful? Maven Delta scienceScienceWebinars June 13, 2023 1304The Delta is constantly changing and predicting these changes has become a difficult task. As California’s climate changes in sometimes...
WEBINAR: Machine Learning for Rivers: How Data Science Can Inform Water Management in California Maven Webinars May 23, 2023 65From the California Water Data Consortium: Water management in California is plagued by missing data. Typical questions include: How much...
NOAA FISHERIES VIDEO: The Science of Restoration: Good Salmon Habitat Works NOAA Fisheries Podcasts and webinarsScience April 10, 2023 42By NOAA Fisheries Juvenile salmon grow strong where water slows down and weaves across floodplains, with lush vegetation that provides...
WEBINAR SUMMARY: What is the potential role of desalination in California’s water portfolio? Maven Webinars April 5, 2023 337With drought becoming a normal feature of life in California, finding reliable ways to increase freshwater resources has become imperative. ...
WEBINAR: A Watershed Moment: Realizing our Recharge Potential Maven Webinars February 3, 2023 43Sustainable Conservation’s CEO Ashley Boren and Director of Resource Stewardship Dr. Daniel Mountjoy discuss what all of our recent storms...
SCIENCE IN SHORT: Hullabalo Over HABs: A Science-in-Short Interview with Keith Bouma-Gregson Maven Science Podcasts November 1, 2022 86As California’s drought deepens, harmful algal blooms have been on the rise in the San Francisco Estuary. In this episode...
SCIENCE IN SHORT: Finding Her Way to Fish Maven Science Podcasts July 18, 2022 66Denise Colombano is investigating how climate change could impact future habitat suitability and fish communities in the San Francisco Estuary....
WEBINAR RECORDING: How to read a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) Maven Webinars June 22, 2022 162Did you know, in the San Joaquin Valley, there are 128 Groundwater Sustainability Plans? Are you wondering: What’s a Groundwater...
WEBINAR RECORDING: California water futures: What are they? And what are they not? Maven Webinars May 31, 2022 143Since their introduction last year, the California Water Index and California water futures has stirred controversy – and even legislation...
PACIFIC FOREST TRUST: Seeing the Forest for the Water Maven Best of the NotebookWebinars April 20, 2022 282When an ecologist, a geographer, and an engineer walk into a watershed bar, what do they talk about? Most of...