USGS: Extensometer Hunters: Searching for Long-Lost Technologies in San Joaquin Valley USGS News March 16, 2017San Joaquin Valley: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the U.S. Geological Survey. Its weeklong mission: to explore...
USGS DATA SPOTLIGHT: Linking atmospheric rivers to wildfire patterns in the Southwest USGS News March 1, 2017New dataset and publication identify link between atmospheric rivers and wildfire in the interior Southwest. By the USGS Climate Adaptation...
NASA/JPL: NASA data show California’s San Joaquin Valley still sinking NASA/JPL News February 28, 2017Areas of California’s San Joaquin Valley continue to sink in response to the state’s drought, finds a new update to...
NASA/JPL: Storms filled 37 percent of California’s snow-water deficit NASA/JPL News January 27, 2017January storms may have recouped 37 percent of California’s five-year deficit in snow water. By NASA/JPL The “atmospheric river” weather...
CAL MATTERS: To save SF Bay and its dying Delta, state aims to re-plumb California Cal Matters News November 26, 2016By Julie Cart, Cal Matters The report’s findings were unequivocal: Given the current pace of water diversions, the San Francisco...
Mary Nichols: Exploring the water-energy nexus Maven News June 30, 2016 844The Chair of the Air Resources Board addresses the Southern California Water Committee on the potential ways the water sector...
CAL MATTERS: Unfunded or undone: A Trump presidency eyes California policies Cal Matters News June 23, 2016By Cal Matters: As a state bluer than Lake Tahoe in sunlight, California has adopted a slew of progressive policies...
NASA/JPL: Study: Atmospheric river storms can reduce Sierra snow NASA/JPL News March 2, 2016A new study finds atmospheric river storms are 2.5 times more likely than other types of winter storms to cause...
USGS: The Role of Snowpack, Rainfall, and Reservoirs in Buffering California Against Drought Impacts USGS News January 20, 2016How reservoirs, snowpack and rainfall help California survive droughts. California’s vast reservoir system, fed by annual snow- and rainfall, plays...
NASA/JPL: California drought causing San Joaquin Valley land to sink NASA/JPL News August 9, 2015A new NASA report shows land in California’s San Joaquin Valley is sinking faster than ever as Californians continue pumping...
NASA/JPL: California ‘rain debt’ equal to average full year of precipitation NASA/JPL News July 30, 2015A new NASA study has concluded California accumulated a debt of about 20 inches of precipitation between 2012 and 2015....
House passes HR 2898, Western Water and American Food Security Act; Legislators and organizations react Maven News July 16, 2015 742McClatchy DC News is reporting that the House of Representatives passed HR 2898, the Western Water and American Food Security...
COURTHOUSE NEWS: Riverside, Calif., Fights Governor Brown’s Water-Reduction Order Courthouse News Service News June 8, 2015By Elizabeth Warmerdam, Courthouse News Service The city of Riverside is fighting California’s order to cut its water use by...
Farm organizations and water agencies react to Central Valley Project initial allocation Maven News February 27, 2015 1012California Farm Water Coalition, Santa Clara Valley Water District, San Juan Water District, San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority, and...
This just in … Senator Feinstein joins with McCarthy, Nunes, Valadao and others in writing letter to State Water Board protesting Delta pumping decision Maven News February 12, 2015 825Legislators say Executive Director’s decision ‘difficult to understand’; 10,000 acre-feet already lost since order went into effect Senator Feinstein, Congressman...