Dr. John Durand is a research scientist at UC Davis, where he studies estuarine food webs and fishes. He has conducted multiple studies throughout the Delta and currently helps run a long-term monitoring project, the Suisun Marsh fish study, which...
[cmtoc_table_of_contents] California water is a seemingly unending battle of allocating an often scarce resource among cities, farms, and the environment. In particular, the question of how much water should be left instream for the environment rather than diverted for human...
Felicia Marcus, Pat Mulroy, Jeffrey Kightlinger, and Tom Kennedy discuss unexpected events and how the water industry can prepare for them A black swan is an unpredictable event that is unexpected and has potentially severe consequences; covid-19, for example. Could...
California’s current system of water laws seems ill-equipped to respond to long-term droughts and climate change. One million Californians do not have safe drinking water, the state’s aquatic ecosystems are in crisis, and water users are confronting increasingly scarce and...
Can we look to the sky to address California’s water challenges? As California continues to grapple with frequent drought and overdrafted aquifers, satellite-based measurements offer a cost-effective way to generate high-resolution data on groundwater resources across a wide geographic area....