On Friday, the State Water Resources Control Board will hold the first day of a three day public hearing on the draft staff report for the Sacramento Delta update to the Bay Delta Water Quality Control Plan. The Board is...
By Robin Meadows Two years ago, California’s winter-run chinook were dealt a devastating blow. These endangered salmon were already struggling to survive, with as few as one thousand adults returning from the ocean to spawn in recent years. Then, in...
The recent succession of atmospheric rivers has spurred support for groundwater recharge, creating a wave of momentum for moving recharge projects forward. Earlier this year, Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order to enable local water agencies that are water...
The key is to treat the environment like a priority, not a constraint, says Dr. Jeffrey Mount Freshwater-dependent species in California are in decline due to many factors, but the impacts on native species populations are greatest during drought. With...
Kamyar Guivetchi is the Manager of DWR’s Division of Planning, where he works with staff, numerous government agencies, California Native American tribes, other stakeholders, and the public to prepare the California Water plan updates. At the UC Davis Groundwater SAS...