Metropolitan Special Committee on the Bay Delta hears more details on California Water Fix Maven Notebook News and Features August 24, 2015 532Details include the flexibility and constraints, transfer capability, and water quality benefits of the Delta tunnels project, plus an analysis...
This just in … Restore the Delta: Delta Tunnels “Confidential” Documents Reveal State Plans to Take Delta Farms – Includes AP Story Link Restore the Delta Press Release/Other August 17, 2015 1077From Restore the Delta: Newly released documents gained through Public Records Actions show that water exporters and the Delta Design...
Metropolitan’s Special Committee on the Bay Delta hears an overview of the Cal Water Fix documents and an update on drought operations in the Delta Maven Notebook News and Features August 5, 2015 522Metropolitan staff review what’s in the documents and explore what the project might yield; Drought operations update includes the effect...
Media call: Director Mark Cowin on the revised environmental documents for California Water Fix, formerly known as BDCP, more commonly known as the Delta tunnels Maven Notebook News and Features July 13, 2015 730Today, Mark Cowin, Director of the California Department of Water Resources, held a media call with reporters to discuss the...
Organizations react to release of recirculated draft BDCP – Cal Water Fix documents Maven Press Release/Other July 10, 2015 301Yesterday, the Department of Water Resources and Bureau of Reclamation today released a joint Partially Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental...
Media call: Tunnel opponents comment in preparation for release of recirculated BDCP / Cal Water Fix documents; comment on HR 2898 Maven Notebook News and Features July 9, 2015 338The recirculated environmental documents for the Delta tunnels project are widely expected to be released tomorrow, Friday, July 10th, for...
Metropolitan Special Committee on the Bay Delta: Delta drought operations, the latest on the BDCP, and Bay Delta Accord restoration projects Maven Notebook News and Features July 1, 2015 520Drought barrier discussed; Recirculated BDCP documents anticipated soon At the June 23rd meeting of the Metropolitan Special Committee on the...
Delta Stewardship Council prepares for a new role: Considering Delta conveyance Maven Notebook News and Features June 30, 2015 530Considering Delta conveyance and ecosystem restoration without the Bay Delta Conservation Plan It was the 2009 Delta Reform Act that...
Guest commentary: Former Delta Watermaster Craig Wilson with more on his alternative to the Delta tunnels Guest Contributor Commentary June 16, 2015 968A system combining a western conveyance, operable gates, and a ‘polishing’ facility would have all the benefits of the tunnels...
Wolk, Bonham, and Cowin discuss the BDCP, Cal Water Fix, and Cal Eco Restore Maven Notebook News and Features May 27, 2015 797At a budget subcommittee hearing last week, Senator Wolk has some questions for Director Bonham and Director Cowin on the...
Reactions: Metropolitan, Kern County, other water interests and stakeholder groups react to announcement of revised approach to Bay Delta fix Maven Press Release/Other April 30, 2015 784Today, Governor Brown and other officials today announced a revised approach to the Bay Delta Conservation Plan, which is now...
This just in … State, Federal Leaders to Accelerate Delta Habitat Restoration, Proceed With Water Infrastructure Fix State and federal agencies Press Release/Other April 30, 2015 668From the Office of the Governor: After months of public comment and exhaustive review, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today...