From the Bureau of Reclamation
The U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) manages the Klamath Project (Project), which has provided water for irrigation, domestic, and related purposes since its authorization in 1905. Reclamation is proposing to modify certain aspects of its water management for the Project under the Proposed Action Alternative. The objective of this Environmental Assessment is to determine whether implementing the Proposed Action Alternative as described here (and in the modified 2024 Biological Assessment (Reclamation, 2024a)) may significantly affect the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act.
The Draft Environmental Assessment posted for public review and comment through 10/2/2024. Contact Amanda Babcock at 541-880-2556 or email to
Klamath2024EA_090624 (002).pdf