COMMENTARY: The true fish story: How farmers are helping salmon Ag Alert Commentary September 22, 2021By Danny Merkley, California Farm Bureau Federation As a fourth-generation Sacramento Valley farmer and the California Farm Bureau’s director of...
US FWS: Revitalizing California’s floodplains benefits people and wildlife US Fish and Wildlife Service Agency News April 20, 2021 1By Meghan Snow, US Fish & Wildlife Service Throughout California’s history, rivers have been diverted, rerouted and contained by concrete....
AG ALERT: Use of rice fields as salmon habitat shows promise Ag Alert News March 17, 2021 3By Bob Johnson, Ag Alert Salmon reared in rice fields grow faster and larger than those from a hatchery and...
DELTA LEAD SCIENTIST REPORT: Farm to Fish: Lessons from a Multi-Year Study on Agricultural Floodplain Habitat, plus an update on activities of the Delta Science Program Maven Delta science March 4, 2021 161At the February meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Lead Scientist Laurel Larsen discussed a new report on the...
Ecosystem restoration Maven Notebook News and Features October 17, 2020 2Restoring ecosystems can have multiple benefits, such as recovering endangered and threatened species, increasing water supply reliability, and adapting to...
FEATURE: Reactivating our floodplains: A new way forward Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features August 21, 2019 2037Panel of experts discuss how reactivating the floodplains can provide habitat and food for native fish and for migrating birds,...
ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT FORUM, Part 4: Case studies from the Bay Delta system Maven Delta science April 25, 2019 312Presentations highlight the Montezuma Wetlands Project and the Nigiri Project Adaptive management is widely regarded as an effective approach to...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Dark Carbon and a Return to Abundance: How Detrital Floodplain Food Webs Can Help Recover Endangered Fish Maven Delta science March 7, 2019 462In the pre-development Central Valley, winter-spring flooding once created a vast mosaic of productive wetland habitats that teemed with fish...
BROWN BAG SEMINAR: California floodplains and the fish that use them Maven Delta science June 18, 2018 407How restoring functional flows to floodplains could help restore native fish Two centuries ago, the floor of the Central Valley...
ROBIN GROSSINGER: Delta Inflows of the Past: Lessons for Connecting Landscape Elements – Hydrograph Variability and Functions from the Historical Landscape Maven Delta science July 16, 2017 3Robin Grossinger, Senior Scientist at the San Francisco Estuary Institute, began by saying he felt well-set up by the first...
METROPOLITAN SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE BAY-DELTA: Project implementation considerations for California Water Fix; Dr. Jacob Katz on managing floodplain productivity for multiple benefits Maven Notebook News and Features February 8, 2017 633At the January meeting of Metropolitan’s Special Committee on the Bay Delta, committee members were given an overview of the...
Farms as floodplains: A summary after five years of experimental flooding of agricultural land Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and Features August 25, 2016 1651Studies show the rice-field fish are larger, healthier and more robust than those in the river at the same age...
California Water Policy Seminar Series: Farms, floods, fowl and fish on the Yolo Bypass: Can we all get along here? Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and Features May 12, 2014 1495The California Water Policy Seminar Series, presented by the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and the law school’s California...