Letter: Feinstein and Costa send letter to Secretary Jewell and Secretary Pritzker: “Significant precipitation and the maximum discretion allowed under the biological opinions are vital to prevent severe adverse impacts to the people of the Central Valley and to California’s economy.” Maven Notebook News and Features December 2, 2013 391Senator Dianne Feinstein and Congressman Jim Costa have teamed up to write a letter to Secretary of the Interior Sally...
This just in … DWR experimental winter outlook for Water Year 2014 sees mostly dry conditions for California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Agency News November 27, 2013 117From the Department of Water Resources, this press release: As part of ongoing work to develop seasonal water supply forecasting...
Water interests respond to the 5% initial State Water Project allocation Maven Press Release/Other November 21, 2013 330The State Water Contractors, ACWA, the State Water Contractors, the California Farm Water Coalition, and the Southern California Water Committee...
Statewide water conditions and preparing for a potentially dry 2014 Maven Notebook News and Features November 18, 2013 275At the National Water Research Institute’s Drought Response Workshop held last month, DWR Interstate Resources Manager Jeanine Jones gave a...
State Water Project operations outlook for 2014 Maven Notebook News and Features November 11, 2013 725At the National Water Research Institute’s Drought Response Workshop, October 8, 2013, John Leahigh, Principal Engineer for State Water Project Operations...
Drought: A slow motion disaster Maven Notebook News and Features September 14, 2013 413What was the most costy disaster in the U.S. in recent years? The Mississippi River floods in 2011? The outbreak...
The Department of Water Resources prepares for a dry 2014; Drought workshops scheduled Maven Press Release/Other September 6, 2013 318From the Department of Water Resources: The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is sponsoring events throughout the fall in preparation...
Delta Watermaster update to the State Water Board: Dry conditions and Delta water quality standards, Term 91, water use statements and more Maven Notebook News and Features August 12, 2013 161At the August 6th meeting of the State Water Resources Control Board, Delta Watermaster Craig Wilson updated Board members on...
Delta Stewardship Council’s drought update: How the state and local agencies are responding to dry conditions Maven Notebook News and Features August 5, 2013 936At the July 25th meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, the Council heard an update from the Department of Water...