THIS JUST IN … Governor Newsom Eases Drought Restrictions Office of Governor Gavin Newsom Agency News March 24, 2023 916From the Office of the Governor: Climate change has made California’s dry and wet spells more extreme and unpredictable –...
HEATHER COOLEY: Solutions for Building Water Resilience in California Maven Notebook News and Features March 22, 2023 307With the ever-changing climate and increasingly dry summers, California faces water challenges, despite this year’s bountiful snowpack. At the February...
THE CONVERSATION: Is the Western drought finally ending? That depends on where you look The Conversation News March 16, 2023 20By Dan McEvoy, Desert Research Institute After three years of extreme drought, the Western U.S. is finally getting a break....
THIS JUST IN … Metropolitan board rescinds emergency conservation mandate imposed on dozens of communities Metropolitan Water District Agency News March 15, 2023 556Southern Californians asked to continue using water efficiently to prepare for uncertainty of Colorado River water supplies, by increasing storage...
JEANINE JONES: Drought and lessons learned Maven Notebook News and Features March 1, 2023 335At the January meeting of the California Water Commission, Jeanine Jones took the commissioners through the history of past droughts...
THE CONVERSATION: A new strategy for western states to adapt to long-term drought: Customized water pricing The Conversation News February 13, 2023 22By Matthew E. Kahn, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences and Bhaskar Krishnamachari, University of Southern California, for...
THIS JUST IN …Governor Newsom Signs Order to Build Water Resilience Amid Climate-Driven Extreme Weather Office of Governor Gavin Newsom Press Release/Other February 13, 2023 2307From the Office of the Governor: Governor Gavin Newsom today signed an executive order to protect the state’s water supplies...
AG ALERT: Federal actions on water frustrate Klamath farmers Ag Alert News February 8, 2023 6By Christine Souza, Ag Alert A decades-long tussle over water continues at the California-Oregon border, as irrigators of the federal...
METROPOLITAN IMPORTED WATER COMMITTEE: Challenges ahead for Southern California’s water supplies Maven Notebook News and Features December 15, 2022 13A region-wide water allocation will be required should conditions remain dry Southern California’s water supply news remains dismal, with little...
CAL MATTERS: California drought: Water providers still predict shortages next year Cal Matters News December 13, 2022Despite December storms, water supplies remain low in many areas. Some managers expect to impose severe restrictions on their customers....
AG ALERT: Siskiyou County: Water delivery cuts hurt farmers, fail to benefit fish Ag Alert News November 30, 2022 2By Ryan Walker, Siskiyou County Farm Bureau The year 2022 has been one that few growers in Siskiyou County want...
COURTHOUSE NEWS: San Joaquin Valley residents, growers vying for water in fourth year of drought Courthouse News Service News November 19, 2022 12Residents and growers in the driest land in California’s Central Valley are struggling to decide who gets priority water first....
AG ALERT: Water rules add to challenges for farmers Ag Alert News November 16, 2022By Christine Souza, Ag Alert Already grappling with drought, lower commodity prices and higher production costs, more farmers are feeling...
COMMENTARY: Drought impacts an entire agricultural ecosystem Ag Alert News November 16, 2022By Tim Johnson, Ag Alert This third year of extreme drought is taking a devastating toll on agriculture in California....
METROPOLITAN’S IMPORTED WATER COMMITTEE: Southern California’s worsening water supply situation Maven Notebook News and Features November 15, 2022 395“As we look at the supply outlook for the next year, we again stress the importance of our member agencies...