2014 Water Year in Review, Part 3: Groundwater, Delta smelt, and Sacramento’s response to the drought Maven Notebook News and Features December 5, 2014 699At the November meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, council members heard from numerous agency and water officials on how...
Legal update: Delta smelt and whooping crane cases show ‘increasing pressure mounting against the Endangered Species Act in the courts’ Maven Press Release/Other November 5, 2014 402At the October 30th meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, legal intern Cody Phillips briefed the council members on recent...
San Luis & Delta Mendota Water Authority, State Water Contractors, and Westlands Water District respond to Delta smelt ruling Maven Press Release/Other March 13, 2014 610From the San Luis & Delta Mendota Water Authority: The following is a statement by Dan Nelson, Executive Director of...
This just in … NRDC: Court upholds key protections for California Bay-Delta health Maven Press Release/Other March 13, 2014 476From the Natural Resources Defense Council: The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals today ruled to uphold a federal plan...
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service scheduled to continue special drought-related sampling for Delta smelt; Program providing water managers with real-time information on smelt movement US Fish and Wildlife Service Agency News February 27, 2014 123From the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has completed the first phase of...
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service begins special drought-related monitoring for Delta smelt Maven Press Release/Other February 5, 2014 144From the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service: As part of the federal response to California’s severe drought, the U.S....
Numbers remain low for Delta smelt, American shad and striped bass in Fall Midwater Trawl Maven Notebook News and Features January 6, 2014 181Just 18 Delta smelt were found in the Delta during the Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Fall Midwater Trawl, making...
Fall Midwater Trawl Report for September-October: Second lowest counts for striped bass, American shad; third lowest for threadfin shad Maven Notebook News and Features November 21, 2013 126The Fall Midwater Trawl surveys, conducted in September and October, did not have positive results for the fish. It was...
Consolidated Delta smelt and salmonid cases update: Court grants a one-year extension on biological opinions Maven Press Release/Other April 16, 2013 230The Eastern District Court has granted the request of the water and federal fish agencies to extend the deadline for...
Consolidated Delta smelt and salmonid cases update: Agencies argue their case for an extension of time Maven Notebook News and Features March 19, 2013 158Last Friday, the Department of Water Resources and the federal fish agencies filed their brief in Fresno supporting their request...
California Water Policy Seminar Series continues with Peter Moyle: The future of freshwater fishes in California Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features February 26, 2013 880The UC Davis California Water Policy Seminar Series continued on February 11, 2013, with California fish expert Peter B. Moyle,...
Take of Delta smelt nears limit, triggering cutbacks in Delta water exports Maven Notebook News and Features February 13, 2013 506On February 12, 2013, agency officials held a press conference to announce that mandatory restrictions put in place to protect...
Delta Stewardship Council science update: Delta smelt index dropping, Delta Science Plan starts to take shape and more Maven Notebook News and Features February 1, 2013 167Bad news regarding the Delta smelt and other species in the Delta, the Delta Science Plan starts to take shape,...
Weekend reading: Delta smelt court documents! Maven Press Release/Other February 1, 2013 90I couldn’t let you go home for the weekend without giving you some reading material. On Wednesday, ACWA’s Water News...