CA WATER COMMISSION: Conveyance and water rights; Considerations for conveyance across the Delta Maven Best of the NotebookNotebook News and Features May 5, 2021 409Delta Watermaster: It’s physically, ecologically, and economically impossible to squeeze water out of the Delta for export. At the April...
WEBINAR: Bay-Delta Hydrology 101 Maven Webinars April 28, 2021 577Presentation by Dr. Ted Sommer, Lead Scientist at the Department of Water Resources, for the 2021 Bay-Delta Science Conference. Dr....
DELTA LEAD SCIENTIST REPORT: New research papers focus on habitat, flow, predation Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 30, 2020 239[cmtoc_table_of_contents] At the July meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council, Delta Lead Scientist Dr. John Callaway updated the Council on...
BAY DELTA SCIENCE CONFERENCE: Checking assertions with data: Untangling factors that constrain water exports from the San Francisco Bay estuary Maven Best of the NotebookDelta scienceNotebook News and Features November 7, 2018 767In recent years, media reports and editorials have suggested that environmental regulations have made Delta outflows increasingly large, project water...
DR. BRUCE HERBOLD: Delta Flows and the effects of water transfers Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features September 21, 2017 1151Dr. Bruce Herbold is a retired EPA fish biologist and now a consultant on the same issues. In this presentation...
FLOWS SYMPOSIUM, Part 4: Examples of Managed Flow Regimes – Possible Models for the Delta?; Panel Discussion Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 20, 2017 255In January of 2013, a symposium hosted by Delta Science Program and the UC Davis Center for Aquatic Biology and...
FLOWS SYMPOSIUM, PART 3: Hydrographs and Ecological Functions in the Present-day Landscape of the Sacramento River; Ecological Response to the Unregulated Spring Flow Regime in the Sierra Nevada Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 19, 2017 210In January of 2013, a symposium hosted by Delta Science Program and the UC Davis Center for Aquatic Biology and...
FLOWS SYMPOSIUM, PART 2: What Do We Mean by “Natural Functional Delta Inflow” in a Regulated and Modified System?; Delta Inflows of the Past: Lessons for Connecting Landscape Elements Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 18, 2017 219In January of 2013, a symposium hosted by Delta Science Program and the UC Davis Center for Aquatic Biology and...
FLOWS SYMPOSIUM, PART 1: The science of natural functional flows to the Delta: In-stream flow science for sustainable river management Maven Delta scienceNotebook News and Features July 17, 2017 323In January of 2013, a symposium hosted by Delta Science Program and the UC Davis Center for Aquatic Biology and...
CHRIS ENRIGHT: What Do We Mean by “Natural Functional Delta Inflow” in a Regulated and Modified System? Maven Science July 16, 2017 1“The issue here for the day is really what do we mean by natural functional flows,” began Chris Enright, Senior...
DR. GEOFFREY PETTS: In-stream Flow Science for Sustainable River Management Maven Science July 16, 2017 2The plenary lecture was given by Dr. Geoffrey Petts, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Westminster, a position he has held...
THE SCIENCE OF NATURAL FUNCTIONAL FLOWS TO THE DELTA Maven Delta science July 16, 2017 4In January of 2013, a symposium hosted by Delta Science Program and the UC Davis Center for Aquatic Biology and...
PANEL DISCUSSION: The science of natural functional flows to the Delta Maven Delta science July 16, 2017“Some would argue that more storage in the system would actually benefit native species and our ability to provide environmental...
DR. CLIFFORD DAHM: Examples of Managed Flow Regimes – Possible Models for the Delta? Maven Science July 16, 2017Dr. Clifford Dahm began by noting that his presentation will present possible models for the Delta, drawing on some of...
DR. SARAH YARNELL: Ecological Response to the Unregulated Spring Flow Regime in the Sierra Nevada Maven Science July 16, 2017 3Dr. Sarah Yarnell is Associate Project Scientist at the Center for Watershed Sciences, and her presentation was drawn from research...