California Treasurer’s Office Releases Report on BDCP Affordability and Financing; Urban and Agricultural Users Have Capacity to Pay Their Share of Costs Maven Press Release/Other November 14, 2014 394From the California Natural Resources Agency: The California State Treasurer’s Office released The Bay Delta Conveyance Facility: Affordability and Financing Considerations,...
Tunnel opponents call on Gov. Brown to abandon doomed BDCP Delta tunnels; say EPA, agencies’ criticisms are unresolvable Maven Press Release/Other November 12, 2014 602From Restore the Delta, this press release: Restore the Delta (RTD), Friends of the River (FOR) and California Water Impact...
Divvying up the costs of the twin tunnels: Metropolitan Committee is updated on the BDCP’s cost allocation discussions Maven Notebook News and Features October 1, 2014 1060At the September 23rd meeting of Metropolitan Water District’s Special Committee on the Bay-Delta, Metropolitan Manager Steve Arakawa updated the...
Capitol Weekly: DWR: Progress on the tunnels Maven Notebook News and Features September 30, 2014 193From yours truly at Capitol Weekly: “California’s top water official told a key gathering of south state water representatives that...
Director Mark Cowin updates Metropolitan’s Bay Delta Committee on the Bay Delta Conservation Plan and addresses EPA’s comments, plus Randy Fiorini of the Delta Stewardship Council on the Council’s five priorities Maven Notebook News and Features September 29, 2014 939The latest information on the Bay Delta Conservation Plan took center stage at the September 23rd meeting of Metropolitan Water...
Jerry Meral and Jonas Minton debate the Bay Delta Conservation Plan Maven Notebook News and Features September 26, 2014 877At the September 18th meeting of the Harry S. Truman Democratic Club in Sacramento, the program featured former Deputy Secretary...
Congressman Ami Bera backs bill blocking funding for twin tunnels (BDCP) Maven Press Release/Other September 10, 2014 237From Congressman Ami Bera: Congressman Ami Bera, M.D. introduced a bill today with his colleagues Congressmen Jerry McNerney and John Garamendi...
Reactions: Tunnel opponents and legislators respond to BDCP delay, EPA comments Maven Press Release/Other August 29, 2014 341From the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance: BDCP on Life Support; Prognosis Poor: Delay unlikely to enable BDCP to recover from...
Delta Conservancy Board discusses land ownership and management in the Delta, funding for the Conservancy, and more, plus a brief update on the BDCP and the Delta Plan Maven Notebook News and Features August 14, 2014 395On July 23rd, the Delta Conservancy held a board meeting. Agenda items included an overview and discussion of the Delta...
Metropolitan Bay-Delta Committee hears a science update on the longfin smelt Maven Best of the NotebookDelta science July 30, 2014 303At the July 22 meeting of Metropolitan Water District’s Special Committee on the Bay-Delta, David Fullerton, Principal Resource Manager, discussed...
This just in … Restore the Delta holds media call regarding close of public comment period for BDCP; Call for new draft EIR; say funding, public outreach, alternatives, science all flawed Maven Notebook News and Features July 28, 2014 314Earlier this morning, Restore the Delta held a media call regarding the close of the comment period for the Bay...
BDCP vs. local water supply alternatives: Dr. David Sunding reviews the alternative supply analysis for Metropolitan’s Bay-Delta committee Maven Notebook News and Features July 28, 2014 615At the July 22nd Metropolitan Water District meeting of the Special Committee on the Bay-Delta, Dr. David Sunding of the...
Bay Delta Conservation Plan public comment period scheduled to close tomorrow Maven Press Release/Other July 28, 2014 70Just a reminder, after over seven months, the public comment period for the Bay Delta Conservation Plan, the environmental documents,...
California Water Commission hears a brief update about organizational changes at DWR regarding the BDCP Maven Notebook News and Features July 23, 2014 511At the July 16th meeting of the California Water Commission, the Deputy Director of the Department of Water Resources (DWR)...
Metropolitan Water District’s review of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan’s draft Implementation Agreement Maven Notebook News and Features July 2, 2014 474At the June 24th meeting of Metropolitan’s Special Committee on the Bay Delta, committee members heard a presentation on the...