tailwater Maven May 10, 2020 7 « Back to Glossary IndexTailwater is the runoff of irrigation water from the lower end of an irrigated field. Related Articles: PRESS RELEASE: IID’s Colorado River Agreement to Raise Lake Mead by 10+ FeetPRESS RELEASE: Imperial Irrigation District acts to protect Colorado River, Salton Sea with new Conservation AgreementWEEKLY WATER NEWS DIGEST for April 28 – May 3: Winterlike storm to drench CA, delay fire risk; How a ‘death trap’ for fish is limiting water supplies; Agencies race to fix plans to sustain groundwater levels; and more …DAILY DIGEST, 4/30: Water managers advise multipronged approach in face of climate change; 2023 snow deluge was a freak event, study says; As California cracks down on groundwater, what will happen to fallowed farmland?; and more …NEWS RELEASE: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Agreement with Imperial Irrigation District to Save 100,000 Acre-Feet of Water in Colorado River System« Back to Glossary Index