DELTA CONVEYANCE PROJECT: Multiple parties file motion to cancel or postpone upcoming hearing on DWR’s water right change petition for Delta Conveyance Project ​

With the hearing on the water rights petition for the Delta Conveyance Project at the State Water Board set to begin on February 18,  multiple parties have filed a motion with the State Water Board’s Administrative Hearings Office requesting cancellation of DWR’s water rights change petition for the Delta Conveyance Project due to incomplete information and procedural concerns.

DWR has filed a petition to change the point of diversion for the Delta Conveyance Project to add new points of diversion to the water rights associated with the State Water Project. This process is required by the State Water Resources Control Board to ensure compliance with water rights regulations and to allow for public participation and transparency.

The motion argues that DWR’s failure to provide ordered supplemental information justifies the cancellation of the change petition.  Alternatively, they request that the hearing dates be vacated until DWR resolves its extension petition or provides necessary information.  The motion is supported by multiple entities, including Delta water agencies and reclamation districts, and Sacramento, Solano, San Joaquin and Contra Costa counties.

The motion states, “DWR’s failure and/or refusal to provide the supplemental information ordered by the AHO further warrants cancellation of its change petition. For the foregoing reasons and others, the Joint Protestants respectfully request that the AHO grant this Joint Motion and cancel the DCP change petition. In the alternative, Joint Protestants respectfully request that the AHO vacate the current hearing dates and hold the change petition proceeding in abeyance until the time extension petition is either resolved or consolidated with the change petition proceeding, and DWR produces all necessary and relevant supplemental information, as ordered by the AHO.”

2025-01-31 Joint Motion for Cancellation

More coverage of the change in point of diversion hearing on Maven’s Notebook …

NOTICE: Delta Conveyance Project public hearing begins Feb 18

From the State Water Resources Control Board: The State Water Board Administrative Hearings Office will hold a hearing regarding the Delta Conveyance Project (also known as the Delta Tunnel) beginning on February 18, 2025 at 9 a.m. The hearing will address the water right change petitions filed by the Department of Water Resources’ State Water Project to add two new points of diversion and rediversion on the Lower Sacramento River to build the Delta Conveyance Project.    The State Water Board […]


DELTA CONVEYANCE PROJECT: Multiple parties file motion to cancel or postpone upcoming hearing on DWR’s water right change petition for Delta Conveyance Project ​

With the hearing on the water rights petition for the Delta Conveyance Project at the State Water Board set to begin on February 18,  multiple parties have filed a motion with the State Water Board’s Administrative Hearings Office requesting cancellation of DWR’s water rights change petition for the Delta Conveyance Project due to incomplete information and procedural concerns. DWR has filed a petition to change the point of diversion for the Delta Conveyance Project to add new points of diversion […]


NOTICE: Delta Conveyance Project Public Hearing Begins Feb 18

From the State Water Board Administrative Hearings Office The State Water Board Administrative Hearings Office will hold a hearing regarding the Delta Conveyance Project (also known as the Delta Tunnel) beginning on February 18, 2025 at 9 a.m. The hearing will address the water right change petitions filed by the Department of Water Resources’ State Water Project to add two new points of diversion and rediversion on the Lower Sacramento River to build the Delta Conveyance Project. The State Water […]

DELTA CONVEYANCE PROJECT: Procedural ruling on issues raised in pre-hearing conference statements

From the State Water Resources Control Board: This Amended Notice of Public Hearing and Procedural Ruling (January 2025 Amended Hearing Notice) revises the July 31 Hearing Notice and November 18 Amended Hearing Notice and addresses the DWR and SWC Petitions for Reconsideration and other outstanding requests the parties raised in pre-hearing conference statements. All other procedures and information included in the prior hearing notices not revised by this January 2025 Amended Hearing Notice remain in effect.

NOTICE of public hearing and procedural ruling for the Delta Conveyance Project

The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board or Board) Administrative Hearings Office (AHO) will hold a public hearing about the Delta Conveyance Project (DCP). The hearing will address the water right change petitions filed by the Department of Water Resources (DWR or Petitioner) which propose to add two new points of diversion (PODs) and rediversion (PORDs) to water right Permits 16478, 16479, 16481, and 16482 (Applications 5630, 14443, 14445A, and 17512, respectively) (SWP Permits). The purpose of the […]

Click here to view all coverage of the change in point of diversion hearings.