NOTICE: Streamlined water transfer process available

From the State Water Resources Control Board:

Recent changes to the Water Code have created a streamlined noticing process for those seeking a temporary water transfer approval from the State Water Resources Control Board (Board). This optional process could reduce the maximum processing time for a temporary transfer from 65 days to 55 days by expediting the noticing process.

To be eligible for the streamlined process, the Board’s Division of Water Rights (Division) must be notified by January 31, 2025 of water rights intending to participate in a transfer during 2025. This notification is considered an “intent to transfer” and is not a commitment to submitting a petition for temporary transfer. Participants interested in the process must submit the following information to the email address with a subject line of “Intent to transfer in 2025 notification”:

  1. The water right permit or license number being considered for a temporary transfer;
  2. The method by which water will be made available for the transfer, and;
  3.  An email address to which interested parties or the Board may submit inquiries regarding the potential temporary transfer.

Note that the procedure used in prior years for noticing transfers is still available for those who do not wish to submit an intent to transfer. More information regarding this streamlined process is available on the Board’s website at: 

Please email questions or requests for additional information to