From the Bureau of Reclamation:
In order to improve egg incubation conditions for winter-run Chinook salmon species in the Upper Sacramento River during multi-year droughts, Reclamation proposes to enter into an agreement with the Sacramento River Settlement Contractors (SRSC) to establish a Water Reduction Program (Program). The Program would be implemented in two phases which provide for water reductions by the SRSC, in years that meet certain criteria based on hydrologic conditions and investments in drought resiliency projects. Funding to the SRSC to reduce diversions and idle/shift their crops and offset the need to divert surface water supplies through groundwater substitution and conservation efforts reduces the amount of water that is released from Shasta Reservoir and diverted by the SRSC. The Proposed Action would provide for additional flexibility in Reclamation’s management of operation of the Central Valley Project during drought conditions.
Public comment period ends 12/26/2024.