DELTA CONVEYANCE PROJECT: 2024 – 2026 Proposed Geotechnical Activities Delta Plan Consistency

From the Department of Water Resources:

In compliance with the Delta Reform Act and Delta Stewardship Council regulatory process, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) is posting a draft certification of consistency for the 2024-2026 Proposed Geotechnical Activities proposed action at least 10-days prior to formal submission. This draft certification only concerns certain geotechnical activities related to data collection (cone penetration tests, soil borings, and water quality sampling within soil borings). Planning and design geotechnical data collection from the 2024-2026 Proposed Geotechnical Activities will be important to inform the planning and design of the Delta Conveyance Project, as well as future discretionary permitting and funding decisions by DWR and other agencies.

DWR did not originally plan to submit a certification of consistency for these 2024-2026 Proposed Geotechnical Activities but is doing so now based on the direction from the Sacramento Superior Court’s ruling on June 20,2024. DWR understands the 2024-2026 Proposed Geotechnical Activities to be preliminary investigations related to the Delta Conveyance Project’s planning and design, which DWR understands to be separate from the Delta Conveyance Project’s implementation. However, on June 20, 2024, the Sacramento Superior Court enjoined DWR “from undertaking the geotechnical work described in Chapter 3 of the Final Environmental Impact Report,” which includes the 2024-2026 Proposed Geotechnical Activities, “prior to completion of the certification procedure that the DRA requires.” DWR plans to submit this certification of consistency for the 2024-2026 Proposed Geotechnical Activities to comply with the order of the Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento.

Click here to view the appeals and other documents.

Note: Consistent with the Delta Stewardship Council requirements, DWR is posting a draft of the certification at least 10-days prior to formal submission for public review and comment. Please send all comments to by 5:00 pm on October 7, 2024.

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