For public transparency and accessibility, the operations plan summarizes commitments made by DWR for future operations
From the Department of Water Resources:
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) has transmitted to the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) an Operations Plan for the Delta Conveyance Project (Project) describing Project operations.
The Project operations have been presented previously in several public documents, including the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) certified in December 2023 and the Project Incidental Take Permit (ITP) Application submitted to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife in April 2024. The Operations Plan consolidates this information in one convenient location for presentation to the State Water Board and participants.
In February 2024, DWR submitted a petition to the State Water Board for the change in point of diversion (CPOD) for existing State Water Project (SWP) water rights to implement the Delta Conveyance Project.
The Operations Plan was prepared to assist the public in better understanding how the new north Delta intakes will be operated.
Key Takeaways:
- Operations of the north Delta intakes will be integrated into SWP operations and will be consistent with:
- Existing applicable water right permits
- Any applicable laws or regulatory obligations and any subsequent updates
- Any permit issued for the project
- Any other permit conditions
- The Project will not change operational criteria associated with upstream reservoirs and DWR is committed to not changing upstream reservoir operations to move additional stored water through the new north Delta intakes consistent with the Operations Plan.
- The new intakes will serve to augment the existing south Delta export facilities to 1) capture excess flows in the winter and spring, and 2) efficiently manage Delta water quality requirements in the summer.
- Criteria are presented for minimum bypass flows, spring outflows, pulse protection, approach and sweeping velocities and maintenance flow diversions. These criteria show that the Project will be operated consistent with permit conditions and regulatory requirements that are protective of fisheries and water quality. Project bypass criteria were developed in coordination with state and federal fish agencies.
- The Operations Plan is a living document and will continue to be updated as necessary in the future, such as when DWR receives final permits.
CPOD Process Update: Two upcoming deadlines on hold to align with protest resolution period
The State Water Board Administrative Hearing Officer issued a notice to all hearing participants confirming her earlier ruling to extend the September 5th deadline to submit written comments on hearing issues and the November 4th deadline for all parties to file initial Notice of Intents (NOI) are on hold to align with the protest resolution period that concludes on November 12th. There are no other changes to the Delta Conveyance Project Change in Point of Diversion proceedings at this time.
For more information about the Delta Conveyance Project, visit the project website here.
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