NOTICE: Conditional Curtailments Issued in Shasta River Watershed

Today, the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) issued a Conditional Curtailment Order for the Shasta River watershed (Order WR 2024-0006-DWR).  The Order conditionally curtails the water right owner or landowner of record in the Shasta River watershed, for water rights with a priority date of or junior to November 25, 1912.

The Order does not require immediate curtailment at this time. Rather, the Order establishes conditional curtailments that provide flexibility for diverters to continue diversions and requires coordination with the Scott Valley and Shasta Valley Watermaster District (Watermaster).

Such coordination may occur with the State Water Board for those outside Watermaster service.  The coordination of diversion timing and rates will assist in meeting the needs of all parties in the watershed, while also providing assurances that the minimum emergency flow requirement (50 cubic feet per second at the Yreka United States Geological Survey [USGS] gage from May 1 – September 15) will be met and sustained.

If coordination is not enough to maintain the emergency minimum flow, then diversions must cease in order of water right priority. When flows increase and no longer pose a risk to maintaining the minimum flow requirement, curtailed diversions may re-initiate upon notification that water is again available.

Implementation of the Order

Diverters are to immediately work with either the Watermaster or the State Water Board on coordinating their future diversions. Coordinating diversions means providing anticipated diversion rates and schedules to the Watermaster or State Water Board, on a weekly basis (or more frequently if requested) and engaging with the Watermaster or State Water Board, to align the timing and amounts of water diverted. After coordination, if flows are at risk of not maintaining the minimum flow, the Deputy Director for the Division of Water Rights will determine if immediate curtailment is needed. Coordination with the Watermaster is encouraged, but those outside of Watermaster service may work with the State Water Board, if preferred.

Water Rights with a Priority Date of or Junior to January 1, 1958

Diverters with a priority date of or junior to January 1, 1958, may be directed to immediately cease diversions when flows at the Yreka USGS gage are below the applicable flow shown in the table below in cubic feet per second:

Jan–Mar 24

Mar 25–31


May–Sept 15

Sept 16–30










If flows drop below these numbers, diverters must on a daily basis:

  1. Check the Shasta River Watershed mapping tool, accessible via the Scott River and Shasta River Watersheds Emergency Regulation webpage;
  2. Be signed up for the State Water Board’s “Scott-Shasta Drought” email subscription list and check their e-mail for notification of curtailment status prior to initiating or continuing diversion.

If a water right status is “curtailed” in the mapping tool or as noted in an email to the Scott-Shasta Drought Email Subscription List, the diverter must immediately stop diverting under that water rights until water supply conditions improve in the watershed and you receive notice that diversions may continue.

Required Online Reporting

The Order requires diverters to complete an online form certifying that they are complying with the Order, including coordinating diversions with the Watermaster or the State Water Board and ceasing diversions in order of priority if needed to meet and sustain the minimum flow requirement.

Continued Diversions for Minimum Human Health and Safety, Minimum Livestock Needs, or Instream Use
You may also submit the applicable form(s) to request a limited exception for continued diversion for minimum human health and safety needs, minimum livestock needs, or instream uses. The login and password information for completion of the forms is provided in Attachment A of the Curtailment Order.  Even “curtailed” diversions can continue for these approved uses.

Additional Information and Resources

Additional information, including a copy of the Curtailment Order, is available on the Scott River and Shasta River Watersheds Emergency Regulation webpage. If you have questions related to this email or a curtailment order you received, please contact us by email to: or leave a message on the Scott and Shasta Emergency Regulation phone line at: (916) 327-3113.